About a week ago I got a message from one of my ex's. Nothing special, just the "how are you doing, how is work/family/friends/life/etc." I decided to return it about 4 days later. I figured that it couldn't be that bad if I called her. Quick backstory: I broke up with her because she really had no direction: No college degree, no full time job, no car, no place of her own, and she is older than me. Within the first 5 minutes of our conversation I discovered that nothing had changed. I had a better job, better car (though that's not saying much), my own apartment, and I'm almost finished with my Master's degree. The only thing that she has that I don't is a relationship. She said that she was dating some Computer Nerd for about a year blah blah blah (I wasn't listening to the details)
Still, I was thinking: what really gives us happiness? Make no mistake about it; I'm happy with my situation (aside from the no-relationship aspect of it), but I'm doing pretty well. Yet I look at her situation and cannot imagine myself in that position, but she is ok with it for now.
Do I just have to high of expectations, or is she just an idiot?
Still, I was thinking: what really gives us happiness? Make no mistake about it; I'm happy with my situation (aside from the no-relationship aspect of it), but I'm doing pretty well. Yet I look at her situation and cannot imagine myself in that position, but she is ok with it for now.
Do I just have to high of expectations, or is she just an idiot?
You don't have high expectation, she's just like a lot of ppl. Slowly going nowhere til they die. Fun stuff.