So my friends and I just got back Tuesday from our trip to St. Joe and Saugatuck (fuck spelling) Michigan. Though it was a fun and cheap trip, it did have its moments. For example, my friends place that we were staying at hadn't been used in around 4 weeks, so it was covered in mouse shit, had septic tank problems, and had a family of possums living under the deck. The deck was nice, but had no screens, which was ironic, since they locked the screen doors, yet I was able to walk through a window with no problem. They also had a nice view of the beach on Lake Michigan, though in order to reach it, you had to scale a 40' cliff covered wtih trees, over growth, and rusty metal that apparently was their last attempt to make a stair case. Not suprisingly, I decided to skip the beach.
We also ended up visiting around a dozen antique/surplus stores for random crap. Among the acquisitions:
-1980's Taco Bell Star Wars glasses (my friends are packrats)
-A coffee mug
-An old ammo box (20mm)- this was my big purchase, all for $15!
The wine tasting was pretty fun, the best was from a bitter old guy that sold out of his basement. He was great! Thats how I want to retire; bitter, drunk, and in my basement talking to strangers. All of the other places were too stuck up and snobby to us, since we didn't look like your average wine taster.
My next stop: Iowa!
We also ended up visiting around a dozen antique/surplus stores for random crap. Among the acquisitions:
-1980's Taco Bell Star Wars glasses (my friends are packrats)
-A coffee mug
-An old ammo box (20mm)- this was my big purchase, all for $15!
The wine tasting was pretty fun, the best was from a bitter old guy that sold out of his basement. He was great! Thats how I want to retire; bitter, drunk, and in my basement talking to strangers. All of the other places were too stuck up and snobby to us, since we didn't look like your average wine taster.
My next stop: Iowa!
Glad to hear you had fun in MI =)
and actually, i am enjoying sleeping in verrrry muchly :yawn: