I've been kind of in and out of it for the last 2 months. In that time:
-I've been on the wagon
-My job has sucked
-I've sworn off caffeen
-I've fallen off of the wagon
-My best friend just got engaged (yesterday)
-I really fell off of the wagon
-I realized that I have 30 years until I can retire
On that happy note,...
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-I've been on the wagon
-My job has sucked
-I've sworn off caffeen
-I've fallen off of the wagon
-My best friend just got engaged (yesterday)
-I really fell off of the wagon
-I realized that I have 30 years until I can retire
On that happy note,...
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To all of you Vampire and Werewolf posers, try out Bitefight. Its simple, addictive, and free.
click on the link to be a werewolf and help a brother out
click on the link to be a werewolf and help a brother out

Hey, I needed those 2.63 kg of flesh!

Well, whats new? I tried to attend one of the SG Chicago's events recently, the 9/15/07 Notre Dame game at a bar downtown. It was way too crowded, and sadly I didn't even get the chance to meet anyone from SG, so overall, it kinda sucked. Maybe I'll be able to attend the next CD party.
Been drinking a bit recently, mostly out of stress...
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Been drinking a bit recently, mostly out of stress...
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Yeah, I'm 28. I celebrated it Saturday with drunken karokee (Asshole by Dennis Leary), and alot of drinking, cake, walking to bars that had somewhat good music, and more drinking. I haven't been too big on the birthday celebration thing since 2001 when my special day was forever fucked up by terrorists. I've tried to go out for the last few years, proclaiming that "If...
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Yay for drunken karaoke. And happy belated birthday.

LOL that would have really been painful

Nothing new on this front, just working too much and sleeping too little. I'm going out to Forest Park tomorrow to celebrate my birthday. Look for me, I'm the guy wearing offensive tshirts drunk at Murphys.
Until then, enjoy Tom Waits!
Until then, enjoy Tom Waits!
You'll find out when I post the vids.

I'm going Karokee-ing Sunday at a local pub and I need some suggestions on what to sing. I already plan on singing:
-Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash
-Asshole, Denis Leary
-We didn't start the fire, Billy Joel
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Oh, and longcoats rule. They make me feel cooler than I possibly could be normally.
-Ring of Fire, Johnny Cash
-Asshole, Denis Leary
-We didn't start the fire, Billy Joel
Any other ideas/suggestions?
Oh, and longcoats rule. They make me feel cooler than I possibly could be normally.

Ok, I'm drunk, so that shoud be enough warning before y0u read this post. I've apparently become a counselor and mentor to several of my friends. I'm helping one of my coworkers, mostly because his real mentor is busy and there is no one else left to help him. Yeah, I'm doing my good deed for the year. It helps offset the fact that I'm...
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Any movie featuring Affleck and/or Jennifer Lopez SHOULD be titled "God Hates us All" for sure.
i've never owned a longcoat. i'm not sure if i'm missing something i'd enjoy or not.

I've been told that this should be my theme song.
Its the first main song from Little Mermaid, "part of your world" or something like that.
Dont ask me how I know...
Dont ask me how I know...
Just got back and sober from trip #2: this one was to Iowa to visit my best friend Mike. This guy's like a brother to me. I've known him longer than my own sister. He's good people. Let me just say that I have not had a weekend like this in quite some time. There were 2 firsts on this trip:
-First trip to a...
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-First trip to a...
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Free dances are always good!

About a week ago I got a message from one of my ex's. Nothing special, just the "how are you doing, how is work/family/friends/life/etc." I decided to return it about 4 days later. I figured that it couldn't be that bad if I called her. Quick backstory: I broke up with her because she really had no direction: No college degree, no full time job,...
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You don't have high expectation, she's just like a lot of ppl. Slowly going nowhere til they die. Fun stuff.