Hey hey! So, I still need to get this SG thing going. I have been super busy with work (anywhere from 20-40 hours a week) and with going to school everyday. Luckily I will get to go home for Thanksgiving, unfortunately I can only be there that day because I have to work the day before and after. Its really cold out now, so I...
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So do you still get on this thing? I just got my thing back up and everything is different!
Hey I heard that you got some new ink last weekend! I wanna see it!!!
Its been a while since I have even been on the site and done anything!
Well, BIG news! Alex, my boyfriend, practically lives here at my house with me and the roommates, but pays $550 plus utilities to have his apartment, but he is NEVER there. He spends no more than 30 minutes a day there and thats only to shower after work. Well, my...
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Well, BIG news! Alex, my boyfriend, practically lives here at my house with me and the roommates, but pays $550 plus utilities to have his apartment, but he is NEVER there. He spends no more than 30 minutes a day there and thats only to shower after work. Well, my...
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Not only will it be cheaper for him but he can now switch that money over and help every thing be cheaper for you and your roomies. Careful that the house doesn't get to crowded though. Good luck with all that.
Thanks guys! It was pretty scary at first, but things are just the same, but better. I don't have to worry about him having to pay so much and being home alone in his sad apartment. I just wish my other roommates would clean. Do you know how hard it is to be the only one who cleans? Its really stressful when you are the youngest one in the house and the only one who cleans. How do you parents a 22 year old guy?
Not too much has been happening. If you check out my pictures I have one of me and Alex with Stephanie Tanner from Full House. She came to my school to talk about how she was all doped up on drugs and how it ruined her life. She didn't talk much about Full House, but someone did ask her to say "How RUDE!" which, if...
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happy halloween!

oookay. i figured she went to your HIGH school. okay. that's why i was wondering. if you stayed back a year, or not actually 19.
that is crazy that she got into drugs. i guess though, that seems to be the trend with child actors.
that is crazy that she got into drugs. i guess though, that seems to be the trend with child actors.
I gauaged my ears today! I went from a 14 to a 6! How hardcore is that? It is to me, anyways! I thought it was crappy going from a 16 to a 14, but it was nothing quite like going to a 6. I like it though. I can't wait until they heal, so I can put in the black plugs that I have...
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Dude were not technallicly engaged... like we are waiting for eachother, and we wont even get married for another 3 years anyways... and yeah i gave her a ring b/c i actually saw her the other day... its just a cheap 25 cent glow in the dark ring but thats what she wanted... its more of a promise ring then an engagement ring though. Sorry i didn't mean to keep you out of the loop!
Dude my septum peircing fell out yesterday and i freeked out and almost didn't put it back in... but my buddy nikki totally helped me out... thank god. I felt like i had to tell you that lol.
I hope cheany is badfuckingass!
I hope cheany is badfuckingass!
I spent MORE money today. I didn't need it, but with a 50% discount and we were only $9 short from reaching our daily goal, I HAD to get something...yeah right like I needed it. Nip/Tuck starts in a few minutes and I can hardly wait. I had to catch the second airing of the show tonight, since I was at work late. I might...
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That IS a cute little dingo. Any idea what the mix is? (She doesn't look like any purebreed that I know of.)
Working and going to school blows. I did it for 4 years and got out of college with a 3.something so it's not necessarily difficult. Of course I worked more like 20-25 hrs a week. <shrug>

Working and going to school blows. I did it for 4 years and got out of college with a 3.something so it's not necessarily difficult. Of course I worked more like 20-25 hrs a week. <shrug>
She is a miniature pincher/pomeranian mix. She is such a doll. I think she hates me sometimes because she doesn't like me to hold her and she doesn't cuddle.
I think thats just her personality though. School kinda sucks, but I'll make it through eventually. I just wish I was finished, but I know that I am not ready.

Girl when are you becoming a model for SG?!! You have the cutest face!!

School started and I hate it so far. I wake up at 7am to be at class by 8am. I get out at 11am and sit around until 2pm when my boyfriend gets home, then we hang out until like 5:30pm (unless he goes to work before then) and I head to Spokane for work and I stay there until 9:30-10pm, drive home and get...
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I just finished adding a bunch of pictures to my albums, so check them out if you get a chance! I still need to scan more and get them up, but that will take some serious time. A couple days ago Michael, Amber, and Lindsey came up for the Silverstein concert. I didn't go because I don't like Shane Told (lead singer) because he was...
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Yeah we totally made it back ok, and yes they got their tattoos and they are badfucking ass!!! but i had to spend the rest of my money on them... which meant no money for gas... which means that i need to write a check for gas, which is risky lol... oh well. thats cool about his tattoo, at least it has meaning, i really need to go get mine. And yeah hopefully we can hang out on thrusday perhaps? Im probably coming into town for the midnight society/takeover ps I LOVE DESPERATE HOUSEWIVES... lets have a marathon... pss buy me some earings!
SO I got both jobs and I start at Icings tomorrow. Hopefully they can work with each other so that I can keep both jobs. I definately wouldn't mind having that discount at Zumiez, since its my favorite place to shop and Icings has some ok headbands, so that discount wouldn't be bad either. Ah shit, we'll just have to see what happens!

Have you ever heard of Claire's? Its a jewelry store for little girls. Well, Icing by Claire's is a jewlery/accessorie store for teenagers. Its a really girly store, so it should be fun. I'm actually getting ready to go to work. I start at 6:30pm, so I gotta hurry and get ready then head out. Have a good day!
Dude thats so badass! It was fun hanging out with you guys last week!!
I had an interview yesterday with Zumiez and there were like 40 others there. It was a HUGE group interview. Anways, after the dance routine and the mythological creature was all said and done I made it into one of the final groups to come back and get a 10 minute interview with the manager. I sat down and talked to her for a couple...
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I think its amazing that you live in London! I have always wanted to go there and I plan on it someday. I want to live in Italy, but it really doesn't fit into my life plan because of my future career. Whats it like there? Have you ever been to America?
London is awesome.
theres always something to do. we have great night life like rock clubs and stuff that go on until 4 am, cool art galleries, cool shops, lots of bands play gigs here, cool landmarks, tons of peircing and tattoo shops (mainly in camden)...i dunno what to say really.
im not selling london to you that well am i?
what career do you want to have?
italy is nice. i went there on an art trip with my high school years ago.
italy is so lovely and the food is great.
nah ive never been to america
i do want to go one day so i can see what its like.
if i do go i'd prob buy lots of vans and get fat on krispy kremes haha.
London is awesome.
theres always something to do. we have great night life like rock clubs and stuff that go on until 4 am, cool art galleries, cool shops, lots of bands play gigs here, cool landmarks, tons of peircing and tattoo shops (mainly in camden)...i dunno what to say really.
im not selling london to you that well am i?

what career do you want to have?
italy is nice. i went there on an art trip with my high school years ago.
italy is so lovely and the food is great.
nah ive never been to america

if i do go i'd prob buy lots of vans and get fat on krispy kremes haha.

London must be just east of Cheney. Ill have to check it out sometime.