k, everything is looking a lot better, so I can't whine anymore. Well, I can, but I won't.
I've been on this weird old school rap kick lately and I'm listening to a lot of old rap the past few weeks. Old as in NWA, old Cube, Digital Underground, Ice T, Run DMC and a few others. It's weird cause when I listen to it, even tho it was stuff recorded in the early 90's and late 80's, the stuff they say is JUST now coming to be said mainstream. Like how Snoop is all tizzlin his schnizzle and whatevizzle, I have a few songs that I caught lyrics of them doing that as early as 91-92. It's weird. I wonder if that was just an old neighborhood thing that Snoop was the only one who took as far as he did and now everyone thinks he started it...
Other than that, not much else is going on... tho I AM finally taking some vacation time and making plans to go to the nudie bar soon with mah girlie so we can lookie boobies and come home and be all horny together. Oh yeah, and we may make it a regular occurance so that she can get on stage now n'then
Oh fun fun fun times are ahead

I've been on this weird old school rap kick lately and I'm listening to a lot of old rap the past few weeks. Old as in NWA, old Cube, Digital Underground, Ice T, Run DMC and a few others. It's weird cause when I listen to it, even tho it was stuff recorded in the early 90's and late 80's, the stuff they say is JUST now coming to be said mainstream. Like how Snoop is all tizzlin his schnizzle and whatevizzle, I have a few songs that I caught lyrics of them doing that as early as 91-92. It's weird. I wonder if that was just an old neighborhood thing that Snoop was the only one who took as far as he did and now everyone thinks he started it...
Other than that, not much else is going on... tho I AM finally taking some vacation time and making plans to go to the nudie bar soon with mah girlie so we can lookie boobies and come home and be all horny together. Oh yeah, and we may make it a regular occurance so that she can get on stage now n'then

Oh fun fun fun times are ahead

i hope you can make it.
The thing that happened with those people that drove past you happens to me at least once a day... :/
Cherry xox