Woop woop!
I'm back for a lil while. I've decided that lurking in the shadows and waiting silently for my membership to expire isn't my style, so I'm gonan be a lil more active until then. I MAY also do some fan art, but knowing me I'll say it now, and fully mean it, but get too distracted and forget about it altogether. Oh well...
I added Alisa to my whopping list of friends, only because she fuckin rocks... and if that's not a good enough reason, you can lick mah nuts.
Also, I'm all excited because we're FINALLY getting around to playing D&D! I'm such a dork, but I get to DM so I've been spending my free time making maps and characters and doing dorky DM stuff... Man I love me some role playing games. A friend has just introduced me to Cybergen, so I'm hoping I get to play that soon too. I made a chubby 12 year old megaviolent girl who punches everyone in the face just cause she wants to. Now that will most def. require some role playing on my part... and means fun for everyone!
*luvins* for whoever wants 'em! and no time to spell check, you don't like it, tough!
I'm back for a lil while. I've decided that lurking in the shadows and waiting silently for my membership to expire isn't my style, so I'm gonan be a lil more active until then. I MAY also do some fan art, but knowing me I'll say it now, and fully mean it, but get too distracted and forget about it altogether. Oh well...
I added Alisa to my whopping list of friends, only because she fuckin rocks... and if that's not a good enough reason, you can lick mah nuts.
Also, I'm all excited because we're FINALLY getting around to playing D&D! I'm such a dork, but I get to DM so I've been spending my free time making maps and characters and doing dorky DM stuff... Man I love me some role playing games. A friend has just introduced me to Cybergen, so I'm hoping I get to play that soon too. I made a chubby 12 year old megaviolent girl who punches everyone in the face just cause she wants to. Now that will most def. require some role playing on my part... and means fun for everyone!

*luvins* for whoever wants 'em! and no time to spell check, you don't like it, tough!
I'm a dork.
And I actually did tons of searching and found the perfect portrait for my character: she has bright red hair.
You should choose something really girly like Brittany or Lavendar so she can punch people who make fun of her
I didn't manage to get any pictures of my full outfit, but other people at the party did, when they email them to me I'll put them up for you to see
I'm pleased that I know you guys too!