27 Weeks already....only 13 to go.
I cant believe how quickly its going :-)
Happy to report that Both Mandy and Baby G are well.
The farm is looking so beautiful.With the wettest Spring in years.I cant complain about all the rain as i know what its like to be without water.
At last all the hard work seems to be paying off with my... Read More
I cant believe how time flies.
25 weeks gone....only 15 left
I'm Happy to report that both Mandy and Baby G are doing well.
The midwife has done a home visit and has given us the thumbs up for a home ,water birth(if everything goes to plan)
I am about halfway through doing the nursery(i promise to post pics once its done)
Okay...so i contacted SG help and all they did was send me a link to my billing details.
Clearly they did not actually read my origional request for help.
This is a little frustrating.......to say the least.
Perhaps i have to let my account expire .....and then try again.
The pay site that SG are using doesn't seem to want to accept ANY of my credit card details.
I have even tried updating it with a new credit card(with LOTS of money in it.)
Neither Master Card nor Visa seem to work.
Perhaps Tunnel is right....and I'm not wanted around here anymore
To all the Usual Suspects...........If i disappear off the face of the... Read More
I wonder if anyone can offer me some assistance?
Its time for me to re-new my SG membership.
When i click on the link that SG sent me via email...it shows me my payment details.....but there doesn't seem to be a way to pay for a new subscription.All i see is an option to cancel or to change my billing details.
It shows me my... Read More
Okay...its official....Satan is in fact alive.....and well....and living in South Africa......
He is just presently in disguise and is passing himself of as a Born Again Property Loss Adjuster.
In his latest report he justifies the fact of not paying out....for anything....by saying that the fire could have been prevented.
This is a fire that started 4 km down the road...and spread quickly, because of... Read More