Okay...so i have just done a big clear out of my friends list.
Anyone who hasn't taken the time to contribute in the last 3 months has been unceremoniously deleted.
If you are offended in any way...tough...any form of social interaction has to be a 2 way street.
To those who have...i appreciate the effort(no matter how small)...it really do appreciate that you took some time out of your lives to be a part of mine
As for the Usual Suspects......(These last few months have been rough especially with the miscarriage and the surgery) .......................so...... what can i say ?....you guys have become GOOD friends and i really appreciate all the support and concern.
Okay...enough of that now.
I have not Tattooed since the shoulder surgery..and I have a good customer(who has specifically come from the UK just to finish his Tattoo) coming on Friday.
I have been working on a design using Angelic script....so i think perhaps its time i attack whats left of my lillywhite thighs
I really do not enjoy working on myself
but i need to know that i have the strength to give my customer the best work possible.
If not...he will have to wait....as i refuse to compromise my integrity by offering a customer nothing but 100 % of my ability.
Be well
Anyone who hasn't taken the time to contribute in the last 3 months has been unceremoniously deleted.
If you are offended in any way...tough...any form of social interaction has to be a 2 way street.
To those who have...i appreciate the effort(no matter how small)...it really do appreciate that you took some time out of your lives to be a part of mine

As for the Usual Suspects......(These last few months have been rough especially with the miscarriage and the surgery) .......................so...... what can i say ?....you guys have become GOOD friends and i really appreciate all the support and concern.
Okay...enough of that now.
I have not Tattooed since the shoulder surgery..and I have a good customer(who has specifically come from the UK just to finish his Tattoo) coming on Friday.
I have been working on a design using Angelic script....so i think perhaps its time i attack whats left of my lillywhite thighs

I really do not enjoy working on myself

If not...he will have to wait....as i refuse to compromise my integrity by offering a customer nothing but 100 % of my ability.
Be well
I'm so glad I stumbled back into chat after taking such a long break from SG. Being part of the Usual Suspects has been such a blast and has helped me through a few things as well. I am honored to be your friend

Angelic script! Wow cool. That gives me an idea