First things first.
I would just like to celebrate the fact that 20 years ago....Nelson Mandela (Madiba) was released from jail.
It was a momentous and life changing experience and comemorated the birth of a new free and democratic country.
You mean it has been 20 years since Mandela was released?! But it seems like yesterday! *sigh*
And hey, who'd-a-thought waves in S Africa would be so impressive, scary, awesome?
Thankfully we had a very quiet and restful Christmas.
I find myself wanting to lock the main gates to the farm and shutting ourselves off from the rest of the world.
I have taken a two weak break from Tattooing,and absolutely LOVE the fact of not having to deal with the general public.
We are coming up to the 30 week mark in Mandy's pregnancy,which... Read More
27 Weeks already....only 13 to go.
I cant believe how quickly its going :-)
Happy to report that Both Mandy and Baby G are well.
The farm is looking so beautiful.With the wettest Spring in years.I cant complain about all the rain as i know what its like to be without water.
At last all the hard work seems to be paying off with my... Read More
I cant believe how time flies.
25 weeks gone....only 15 left
I'm Happy to report that both Mandy and Baby G are doing well.
The midwife has done a home visit and has given us the thumbs up for a home ,water birth(if everything goes to plan)
I am about halfway through doing the nursery(i promise to post pics once its done)