when it all comes down again. Boy o Boy did things go wrong this weekend. the only good part is i almost got my 3some wish. bad thing is i ruined a friendhip from it and possibly a couple friends. more details to come later when i get my head strait about it.
umm, so i imagine most americans and a few canadians are getting anxious about the 1yr anniversary. I believe that there will not be a re-occurance on that day. If there will be on it would most likely 1-2 weeks after when there is the hype recoil. I say this because i know that the network is made up of many individual cells. which do not need a head figure (bin laden) to operate. just as a side note. did ayone read the maxim that had the special on most likely things to be attacked and who would attack them? it kinda shocked me when i read it. but now it seems liek foreshadowing.
My Heart goes out to all that have lost and suffered in the events of and post 9/11/01 it is a shame that global terrorism had to be brought to the american eyes in such a manner. The problem was always there. but the solution was only discovered last year.
umm, so i imagine most americans and a few canadians are getting anxious about the 1yr anniversary. I believe that there will not be a re-occurance on that day. If there will be on it would most likely 1-2 weeks after when there is the hype recoil. I say this because i know that the network is made up of many individual cells. which do not need a head figure (bin laden) to operate. just as a side note. did ayone read the maxim that had the special on most likely things to be attacked and who would attack them? it kinda shocked me when i read it. but now it seems liek foreshadowing.
My Heart goes out to all that have lost and suffered in the events of and post 9/11/01 it is a shame that global terrorism had to be brought to the american eyes in such a manner. The problem was always there. but the solution was only discovered last year.