I have been absent lately because I have been having a really negative internet experience. I didn't feel safe with my internet security and I thought I would be better off hiding out. I don't want that anymore. I want to be in this community and feel safe among you. I don't know what will come but I know I belong here and shouldn't let my life be dictated by someone else online.
I want to make 2015 a big year for me as a model and in the art fashion industry. I want to book as many new opportunities and grow as much as possible. I have some new collaborations coming up, future publications, Burlesque shows through the spring, and hopefully working on new SG sets with photographers I have been friends with for a while. :) I also want to really get my Vlog up and going! I got a lot of great questions(some I have answered before but might require some more elaboration) and I feel like it could be so much fun to connect with you guys that way. I am going to have a great year, I can feel it.
Here are my newest shots from my awesome friend Hollow 2.5
side note: I also lost some weight and I am feeling really proud of my body right now <3
side side note: 2015 has started out with a whole lot of making out with hot girls <3 <3