I'm so tired of feeling like my friendship is an inconvenience to my best friends. here I am alone on a night when I was supposed to hang out with the girls who "love me the most" making a giant lamb roast for no one. I guess if this last minute cancellation was an isolated incident it wouldn't be a big deal but this happens to me all the time. I makes me feel like they don't really care to be around me. I hate feeling like an outsider especially with the people who I have been friends with for more than a decade. I'm lonely for female companionship today...or maybe all the time.
I've got a couple of friends who flake constantly too. Its frustrating, especially when there's a delicious lamb roast involved!
Time has a habit of weeding out the flakes and showing you those that are true. Forces us to look elsewhere for the companionship that we seek. I am sorry though that I missed out on the lamb roast. ;u)