I have no desire to patronize trick-or-treaters, nor their overly protective parents glaring at me as though I've poisoned their fun-size Snickers bars. I have no desire to hang out with drunken morons in terrible costumes at lame-ass Halloween parties. I've never been so "meh" about Halloween before. I feel like a traitor.
It is October, and I'm already sick of Christmas. People have begun putting up lights and trees and those stupid fucking blow-up lawn-ornament assaults on my eyes. I work in retail, where Fall was nearly completely skipped over in favor of CHRISTMAAAAAS!!!!!!1111 Urge to kill rising...
Much as it pains me to say, I feel like a big Grinch about the entire holiday season this year. Except Thanksgiving. Nobody can be opposed to a guilt-free day of delicious food where your only obligation is to indulge.
Tonight, my only plan is to hole up at home with a bowl of candy and watch the Evil Dead trilogy with my love. If anything can cure a deep-down nasty funk, it's Bruce Campbell and the ol' Boomstick.
It is October, and I'm already sick of Christmas. People have begun putting up lights and trees and those stupid fucking blow-up lawn-ornament assaults on my eyes. I work in retail, where Fall was nearly completely skipped over in favor of CHRISTMAAAAAS!!!!!!1111 Urge to kill rising...
Much as it pains me to say, I feel like a big Grinch about the entire holiday season this year. Except Thanksgiving. Nobody can be opposed to a guilt-free day of delicious food where your only obligation is to indulge.
Tonight, my only plan is to hole up at home with a bowl of candy and watch the Evil Dead trilogy with my love. If anything can cure a deep-down nasty funk, it's Bruce Campbell and the ol' Boomstick.
Preach it sister !
I will be prety much doing the same but with family