So. Went to go see Zombieland on my birthday, how stoked was I. Horror? For me? Why, however did you know??
I know. I'm a fucking loon.
I knew it was the kind of crazy, bloody, B-grade madness that was either going to kick ass or suck balls. So imagine my utter delight to discover that it did not, in fact, suck balls. (Could have done without the whole kissing of Bill Murray's overrated ass, though. This is a horror film. Why not have an awesome cameo from the likes of, oh, say...the god that is Bruce Campbell? Would've been so much better to kiss an ass that has actually been IN horror films. And sorry, Ghostbusters does NOT count.)
People (okay, maybe like, one person) said that a film called Dead & Breakfast was "the American answer to Shaun of the Dead" (excuse me, *cough* AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), but that flick fell immeasurably short. Zombieland isn't at Shaun's level, but it comes damn closer than anything released in the years since.
I was impressed with Woody Harrelson. I was skeptical, but he managed to pull this off beautifically. Kudos, sir. Or should I say, Twinkies...?
I could babble on about the acting, the effects, the blah blah blah, but really...just go see it. On Pounce's Scale of Things That Don't Suck, I'd say it pulls a decent rank. Fun stuff, folks. Fun stuff. I think it's a keeper.
I know. I'm a fucking loon.
I knew it was the kind of crazy, bloody, B-grade madness that was either going to kick ass or suck balls. So imagine my utter delight to discover that it did not, in fact, suck balls. (Could have done without the whole kissing of Bill Murray's overrated ass, though. This is a horror film. Why not have an awesome cameo from the likes of, oh, say...the god that is Bruce Campbell? Would've been so much better to kiss an ass that has actually been IN horror films. And sorry, Ghostbusters does NOT count.)
People (okay, maybe like, one person) said that a film called Dead & Breakfast was "the American answer to Shaun of the Dead" (excuse me, *cough* AAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA), but that flick fell immeasurably short. Zombieland isn't at Shaun's level, but it comes damn closer than anything released in the years since.
I was impressed with Woody Harrelson. I was skeptical, but he managed to pull this off beautifically. Kudos, sir. Or should I say, Twinkies...?
I could babble on about the acting, the effects, the blah blah blah, but really...just go see it. On Pounce's Scale of Things That Don't Suck, I'd say it pulls a decent rank. Fun stuff, folks. Fun stuff. I think it's a keeper.
Will definately check it out - thanks for the review
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