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- on acidaliavirgo's photo
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Most of the time, I look like a potato, but this time I'm a potato with a suit !
The last week, I went to an exhibition, but not any exhibition : The Star Wars Identities Exhibition in Paris !
I have write an article which speaks about it (in french, sorry for the non-french speaking :(, but you can see all the pic I've made !), and I invite you to have a look to it. I puts you some photos here to...
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Hi everyone :D
Recently I've received an amazing replica of El'Druin, the Sword of Justice, worn by Archangel Tyrael in Diablo Game, made by Neca.
here is a little photo !
realy cool isnt'it ?
I've wrote a little review in my blog, ( In French, because I'm french xD) but I think google translate make a good job. If you want to see the
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No seriously I'm really happy, it's a real must have.
All the girl in, have make me a lot of eye fracture, but is really good

Thanks for this incredible work, I truely love SuicideGirls

Sorry for my not perfect English,...
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