well it has seamed someone has reactivated my account thank you who ever it was.
a lot has happen in the last year. A LOT i have joined the Canadian Forces as an Artillery member. I have finished all my course and i am now at CFB Shilo in Manitoba working for 1RCHA the best Artillery regiment in Canada some say even the world. Training was hard real hard and it was worth it in the end. I have made many friends and have lost some. Due to the fact i don't get to go home and see them or my family. in the past year i have seen them about 4 weeks out of the year. Its really hard being away from the ones you love it gets to you sometimes and i wonder why and what you are doing with your life. I have fallen for a girl and she has fallen for me but the fact that she lives in Ottawa and i am now here it has become hard for me and her to keep things together . We ended it it was really hard cause i can say that i really loved her with all my heart and i hope she felt the same way.
Any who we are training a lot here in Shilo to get ready to head over to the sandbox (Afghanistan) I am looking forward to doing my part this this silly world and make sure the fight doesn't hit Canadian soil. At the same time i hate thinking about what would happen if i never come back what that would do to my family. They understand i want to do this and they have backed me the whole way and that's why i love them.
Pics from the year
me at my swearing in ceremony
my section at basic training
in the field looken badass
Gets Cold In the Field
The LG1
Me in the Dress Uniform
We always find the time to drink
Well that's it for now
a lot has happen in the last year. A LOT i have joined the Canadian Forces as an Artillery member. I have finished all my course and i am now at CFB Shilo in Manitoba working for 1RCHA the best Artillery regiment in Canada some say even the world. Training was hard real hard and it was worth it in the end. I have made many friends and have lost some. Due to the fact i don't get to go home and see them or my family. in the past year i have seen them about 4 weeks out of the year. Its really hard being away from the ones you love it gets to you sometimes and i wonder why and what you are doing with your life. I have fallen for a girl and she has fallen for me but the fact that she lives in Ottawa and i am now here it has become hard for me and her to keep things together . We ended it it was really hard cause i can say that i really loved her with all my heart and i hope she felt the same way.
Any who we are training a lot here in Shilo to get ready to head over to the sandbox (Afghanistan) I am looking forward to doing my part this this silly world and make sure the fight doesn't hit Canadian soil. At the same time i hate thinking about what would happen if i never come back what that would do to my family. They understand i want to do this and they have backed me the whole way and that's why i love them.
Pics from the year
me at my swearing in ceremony

my section at basic training

in the field looken badass


Gets Cold In the Field

The LG1


Me in the Dress Uniform

We always find the time to drink

Well that's it for now
mmm Jager