Good afternoon to everybody, this is the first day I write in my blog. As some of you already know, I am new at this fantastic site where many of us have so many things in common. I dont want to extend myself too much today, because I am spanish and a little lazy, too lazy for a revolution, maybe! But I will say I love Juliette Lewis & The Licks (I also like these two things per separate, too, he he) and I will be at their Madrid Concert this week, hopefully. I have already said my boss he shouldnt wait me for the following day, cause I will be sick, oh yeah, definitely sick. I hope when I open my eyes in the morning, you, Juliette, are there sleeping by my side. Ok, this is all for today. Peace and love for all the living beings. I will write again.
More Blogs
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Thursday Jan 08, 2009
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en sekreto
you speak in my language baby!!!