So, I was a stage-hand at a concert today at the District - formerly the Indigo District. It was freakin' awesome! I helped some amazing bands. Though, I won't lie, I'm not a very good stage-hand... having no experience in the field of stage-handery. But, the bands were nice, and they didn't really seem to need my help, or at least that's what they said.

Unfortunately not very many people showed up
They didn't even make 300 bucks, and that was with people buying raffle tickets to win a free guitar and other goodies donated by businesses.
Oh, well, on to other matters...
QUANDRY was fuckin' epic! Those three guys tore the place down! Nate broke his bass string and ran off stage and replaced it in like a minute... that was crazy how fast he did it. They also had light projects and fog... cheap, but cool. I wish I had money to buy the cds and shit they were selling, unfortunately I don't have the necessary funds right now to be buying band merch... ya know, being semi-homeless and jobless. ISSA - the band and the man himself - was outrageous. FORRESTALS FALL was pretty good too, I missed the majority of it though, having to run an errand. I wasn't a big fan of WE HAVE GUNS though... not sure why.
Well, that's it for now!

Unfortunately not very many people showed up

Oh, well, on to other matters...
QUANDRY was fuckin' epic! Those three guys tore the place down! Nate broke his bass string and ran off stage and replaced it in like a minute... that was crazy how fast he did it. They also had light projects and fog... cheap, but cool. I wish I had money to buy the cds and shit they were selling, unfortunately I don't have the necessary funds right now to be buying band merch... ya know, being semi-homeless and jobless. ISSA - the band and the man himself - was outrageous. FORRESTALS FALL was pretty good too, I missed the majority of it though, having to run an errand. I wasn't a big fan of WE HAVE GUNS though... not sure why.
Well, that's it for now!