still bored:
Listen to this as loud as you would your favorite song, all the way through.
It's my evil mix of Air Supplie's Unchained Melody.
It is fucking hard. Wait for the end. If you make it to the end, then give me the mad props I deserve for mixing the most horrible SCREAM ever. (hint: cows getting slaughtered, scream queens, and lots of post-processing)
Unchained Melody
Uber-Challenge: Ask your friends to attempt it as well
<edit> I just listened to it again. Wow. I *really* need meds if I like listening to this (which I do). </edit>
Listen to this as loud as you would your favorite song, all the way through.
It's my evil mix of Air Supplie's Unchained Melody.
It is fucking hard. Wait for the end. If you make it to the end, then give me the mad props I deserve for mixing the most horrible SCREAM ever. (hint: cows getting slaughtered, scream queens, and lots of post-processing)
Unchained Melody
Uber-Challenge: Ask your friends to attempt it as well
<edit> I just listened to it again. Wow. I *really* need meds if I like listening to this (which I do). </edit>
it burns it burns...