I am such a nerd.
There are now two women going through divorces who have asked me for a bit of help in taking care of some "business", yet I stay home enthralled with Guild Wars.
School starts tomorrow, but I'm taking the semester off to get my life in order. I think I'll start by putting down the ... wait a sec ... gulp .. *shake* ... the bottle. Or maybe I'll wait a few more days...
The other great thing about school starting tomorrow is that if I get up at the right time, I can take a dump before Janey, my roomie, gets into the bathroom. Sure, it doesn't sound like much of a triumph, but then again, you've never smelt it like I dealt it.
Hurray! I made Qato doubt her own speaky thing! Irregardless of that, I still feel incomplete until I can make someone question the ages of woman I'll date.,,,
Hurray! Qato asks why I won't date old folk, like gramma moses! Well, for one, she can't afford me on pension, and secondly, EWWWWW. Isn't it good enough that I think Tilda Swinton is the most desirable woman ever?
I now feel complete. Except for the toenail I tore off the other day while walking around barefoot. Missing that toenail makes me 99.998% complete.
Mmmm, devil toes....
There are now two women going through divorces who have asked me for a bit of help in taking care of some "business", yet I stay home enthralled with Guild Wars.
School starts tomorrow, but I'm taking the semester off to get my life in order. I think I'll start by putting down the ... wait a sec ... gulp .. *shake* ... the bottle. Or maybe I'll wait a few more days...
The other great thing about school starting tomorrow is that if I get up at the right time, I can take a dump before Janey, my roomie, gets into the bathroom. Sure, it doesn't sound like much of a triumph, but then again, you've never smelt it like I dealt it.
Hurray! I made Qato doubt her own speaky thing! Irregardless of that, I still feel incomplete until I can make someone question the ages of woman I'll date.,,,
Hurray! Qato asks why I won't date old folk, like gramma moses! Well, for one, she can't afford me on pension, and secondly, EWWWWW. Isn't it good enough that I think Tilda Swinton is the most desirable woman ever?
I now feel complete. Except for the toenail I tore off the other day while walking around barefoot. Missing that toenail makes me 99.998% complete.
Mmmm, devil toes....
Well, since I'mmissing part of my toe, then I could squeeze you in that spot. Be forewarned, I never wash my feet and I go barefoot, even outside.
ewwwww eeee run away!