oh Lord itS gonna be bad at school today. last night this idiot in my class show how stupid he is to the chef by not knowing what a mandolin is. then he got attitude when he was called out about it. so then chef got ill (rightfully so) and threw the whole class out. TODAY IS NOT GOING TO BE PRETTY!! but on a happy note my honor society induction is today
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 18, 2006
so i have a little mouse in my apartment and i cant get rid of it. i… -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
so i gave my friend an eighth today to clean my apartment. well she w… -
Tuesday Jan 17, 2006
ahh school is over for today -
Monday Jan 16, 2006
yay a day off no school no work damn i dont know what to do with my t… -
Sunday Jan 15, 2006
too much homework to little time. i really need to stop procrastinati… -
Saturday Jan 14, 2006
why is it that when your hungover people want you to try that nasties… -
Saturday Jan 14, 2006
uhhh... hangovers are not fun. having to go to work in a bit is even … -
Friday Jan 13, 2006
yay yay another day. going to see my new puppy here in a little bit y… -
Thursday Jan 12, 2006
yay yay another day. going to see my new puppy here in a little bit y…