I don't mention my birthday to people if I don't have to. I prefer to just observe it like a solemn holiday where I stay indoors, do no meaningful work and spend the day relaxing. No pressing myself to outdo previous birthdays or engage in coitus with fifteen women in a dive bar while running up a credit card. Even at my most impulsive and careless, that doesn't even approach my style. Just give me some X-Files re-runs, an hour or two of playing Legend of Zelda III and half a bottle of red and that's a good birthday for me. I'm 23 and I have the habits of a 55 year old man and that's fine. No big fuss, no big mess, happy and contented enlightenment.
If I did have a wife, she'd probably leave me to "find herself." Then I'd cut the lawn for twelve hours.
If I did have a wife, she'd probably leave me to "find herself." Then I'd cut the lawn for twelve hours.
And I completely understand the birfday business. Last few years I end up having SOMEONE with a bruised ego because I wasn't able to make them a priority on my big day. I do whatever I feel like doing on b-days, and often make last minute plans so I can avoid having umpteen people guilt trip me into doing what THEY want me to do. Pfft.
You've got the right idea. I hope you enjoyed your happy and contented enlightenment.