no one really cares about this trival bull shite, but this is my darn journal so i will write as i please....
i have a serious issue with clothes. i love clothes way too much. not only do i like clothes, but i like expensive clothes...
clothes that make my wallet cry ouch. what happened? i used to be the queen of thrift store shopping...i would find amazing little things here and there and
everywhere that made me happy...satisfied with my wardrobe options...BUT NOW.....ive moved seems in leaps and bounds...
eeeee...gaadss i cr.
i should be studying right now, i have a test tomorrow that probably is not going to be that easy, but since i cant concentrate on anything but the fact that i am going to be seeing my gfriend
for the first time in a month and one week in less than 6 days...i have too much energy...i cant contain myself...i might just fall over and go kerplunk.
i love joe sorren. he wrote me an email and we have talked and i am going to get one of his pieces tattooed on me....his art work makes me feel.
i hate making milkshakes and i hate hate sticky food such as milkshakes, ice cream....i dont even really like liquer on me...and being a bartender well...
that just sucks.
i wash my hands over and over again..but yet...i still feel sticky.
wow. i think i have temporary ADD, and really i know that the cure will be spending time with gfriend...
thank god thats coming soon, because otherwise i seriously might spontaneous combust from all this frenzied energy.
i have a serious issue with clothes. i love clothes way too much. not only do i like clothes, but i like expensive clothes...
clothes that make my wallet cry ouch. what happened? i used to be the queen of thrift store shopping...i would find amazing little things here and there and
everywhere that made me happy...satisfied with my wardrobe options...BUT NOW.....ive moved seems in leaps and bounds...
eeeee...gaadss i cr.
i should be studying right now, i have a test tomorrow that probably is not going to be that easy, but since i cant concentrate on anything but the fact that i am going to be seeing my gfriend
for the first time in a month and one week in less than 6 days...i have too much energy...i cant contain myself...i might just fall over and go kerplunk.
i love joe sorren. he wrote me an email and we have talked and i am going to get one of his pieces tattooed on me....his art work makes me feel.
i hate making milkshakes and i hate hate sticky food such as milkshakes, ice cream....i dont even really like liquer on me...and being a bartender well...
that just sucks.
i wash my hands over and over again..but yet...i still feel sticky.
wow. i think i have temporary ADD, and really i know that the cure will be spending time with gfriend...
thank god thats coming soon, because otherwise i seriously might spontaneous combust from all this frenzied energy.