its 12:41am my time, and i am actually tired. YAHOO. for an insomniac
this is like a wet dream come true. off to sleepy land i go, where i will
dream about wonderful beautiful people, kicking mean people in their shins and im sure
a bunch of other stuff freud (bless his coked out crazy heart) would
loooooooove to dissect.
question for the evening: if you do this or know someone who does this, please explain to me what your
opinion on it it allright in your book, a question of morals, a question of manners or just plain nasty.
how do you feel about people who continue to openly hit on another person even if they are aware they are in a relationship???
and if you are that far would you go?? what is your LIMIT... should check out Germany's journal entry. i printed it out to hang at my bar that i work at...
its all about limits too.
g'nite all.
love recklessly, dance freely
its 12:41am my time, and i am actually tired. YAHOO. for an insomniac
this is like a wet dream come true. off to sleepy land i go, where i will
dream about wonderful beautiful people, kicking mean people in their shins and im sure
a bunch of other stuff freud (bless his coked out crazy heart) would
loooooooove to dissect.
question for the evening: if you do this or know someone who does this, please explain to me what your
opinion on it it allright in your book, a question of morals, a question of manners or just plain nasty.
how do you feel about people who continue to openly hit on another person even if they are aware they are in a relationship???
and if you are that far would you go?? what is your LIMIT... should check out Germany's journal entry. i printed it out to hang at my bar that i work at...
its all about limits too.
g'nite all.
love recklessly, dance freely

off to check out Germanys post
now, if someone is still flirting with the other person and they've established that it's not cool because of their relationship, that's just obnoxious.
sweet dreams