as if my day couldnt get any more WACKED. (check last journal entry).
i go out with friends. yes, the girl that i have a slight crush on was there..she invited me
for that matter. (NOTE> just cause you have a crush on someone does not mean that
you cant become good friends...its called getting over it) <------ telling that to people.
MY ex gfriend is there, and treats me LIKE shite the whole time, then wants me to come outside and talk to her
and wants me to know that she is "over it". i mean, duh~!!! no joke. she totally alienated me in front of my new
found friends to the point of me wanting to go home.
past history on good ol ade: 4 years ago i feel madly in love with this
woman, and the breakup was miserable and full of drama and scary. then good ol ade grew up.
lost a bunch of people that were supposedly friends along the way. they werent. they were miserably sad people
that wanted to bring me down with them.
i grew up. i found love within a very small (very small) number of friends..people i love with my whole heart.
then one of them..whom i loved and cherished hurt me badly. so...i basically became a hermit....
i hardly ever left the house,never let anyone new get close to me..blahblahblah.
well ive finally broken out of that freaking shell and all i want
to do IS HAVE A LITTLE FUN. and meet new interesting people
i dont want a girlfriend. i dont want a fuck buddy. i dont want drama...i dont want to deal
with ex girlfriend shite. i just want to go out and have a little fun.
so im done venting. and whats funny, is that even tho my ex completely embarassed me
and made me feel like shite. i want to call her. to make sure that she is okay. what is up with that??
akkkk.... what a weird day.
i think im going to go be sad and depressed now.
as if my day couldnt get any more WACKED. (check last journal entry).
i go out with friends. yes, the girl that i have a slight crush on was there..she invited me
for that matter. (NOTE> just cause you have a crush on someone does not mean that
you cant become good friends...its called getting over it) <------ telling that to people.
MY ex gfriend is there, and treats me LIKE shite the whole time, then wants me to come outside and talk to her
and wants me to know that she is "over it". i mean, duh~!!! no joke. she totally alienated me in front of my new
found friends to the point of me wanting to go home.
past history on good ol ade: 4 years ago i feel madly in love with this
woman, and the breakup was miserable and full of drama and scary. then good ol ade grew up.
lost a bunch of people that were supposedly friends along the way. they werent. they were miserably sad people
that wanted to bring me down with them.
i grew up. i found love within a very small (very small) number of friends..people i love with my whole heart.
then one of them..whom i loved and cherished hurt me badly. so...i basically became a hermit....
i hardly ever left the house,never let anyone new get close to me..blahblahblah.
well ive finally broken out of that freaking shell and all i want
to do IS HAVE A LITTLE FUN. and meet new interesting people
i dont want a girlfriend. i dont want a fuck buddy. i dont want drama...i dont want to deal
with ex girlfriend shite. i just want to go out and have a little fun.
so im done venting. and whats funny, is that even tho my ex completely embarassed me
and made me feel like shite. i want to call her. to make sure that she is okay. what is up with that??
akkkk.... what a weird day.
i think im going to go be sad and depressed now.