W00t! At last! I've had no connection for... Well, I don't know exactly how long, but a while now... And as it's plain to see I have the internet again
Haven't been up to much though I'm afraid. Met a very lovely young man called Ross and stuck a load of Suicide Girls stickers up around college with him ^_^ going to bring in a camera and take some photos of them soon. We managed some pretty difficult ones, ie. standing on the door handle of an open door and jumping from there to get one on an emergency light... Challenging but fun!
I also think I may have lost my gloves I've had them for years and I left them in a classroom... But hopefully someone picked them up for me... Damn the people in my English class for not being friends with my so I could text them and ask!
I also seem to have grown an odd habit of meowing when bored/hurt/happy/upset/any other mood you care to name ><
Haven't been up to much though I'm afraid. Met a very lovely young man called Ross and stuck a load of Suicide Girls stickers up around college with him ^_^ going to bring in a camera and take some photos of them soon. We managed some pretty difficult ones, ie. standing on the door handle of an open door and jumping from there to get one on an emergency light... Challenging but fun!
I also think I may have lost my gloves I've had them for years and I left them in a classroom... But hopefully someone picked them up for me... Damn the people in my English class for not being friends with my so I could text them and ask!
I also seem to have grown an odd habit of meowing when bored/hurt/happy/upset/any other mood you care to name ><
I got flu now, robots aren't meant to get flu!