An amazing moment of serendipity occurred last week. While working late in the office last week, the vocalist of my coworker's band happened to come in. They had plans that evening. During their conversation, she asked if anyone was looking for an apartment. Of course I said I was! The place sounded perfect. Her bf owns the floor (I'd be in 1 unit, them in the other) and the previous tenant just moved out. 1 bedroom. 3 blocks from my work. Cats more than welcomed. Completely within my price range. Obviously I went to check it out, and fell in love with its adorableness. I submitted my application on Saturday, and if all goes well, I'll be moving the week of the 15th! Things got more random the next when I showed one of my closest friends the apt and he told me exactly where it was, as his friend, and coworker (of my current roommate, and lady, as well, Jaylin), had just moved out. He's actually friends with the previous tenant! After that conversation, I checked my gmail to find an email from the designer of my SXSW SF Embassy project talking about how the people that own the place are awesome and were talking about the girl with the bacon tattoo checking out the apt. SO RANDOM! It's like it was meant to be! I am so excited to be moving into my own place! Amazing apartment, perfect job, adorable boy, best friends I could ever need... I'm so glad I made the decision to move to San Francisco. Almost as much as I'd made the decision to join SG over 6 years ago! Everything SG-related has lead me to this point.
I'm super addicted to these two bands right now, and so should you! Phantogram and Local Natives
So the Suicide Girls Guide to Living comes out in only 11 DAYS!! Last year I flew to Vegas for a couple days to shoot with the rest of the girls and I'm super excited for everyone to see the results! It's no Maine horror movie, but I think it's pretty cool in its own right. Check out this video of myself, Zoli and Nya on how to prepare absinthe. It's my first time ever on video doing this. Sorry for the dead eyes!
And some more shameless self-promotion, check out my web developer set currently in Member Review!

ps. how is it March already?!
I'm super addicted to these two bands right now, and so should you! Phantogram and Local Natives
So the Suicide Girls Guide to Living comes out in only 11 DAYS!! Last year I flew to Vegas for a couple days to shoot with the rest of the girls and I'm super excited for everyone to see the results! It's no Maine horror movie, but I think it's pretty cool in its own right. Check out this video of myself, Zoli and Nya on how to prepare absinthe. It's my first time ever on video doing this. Sorry for the dead eyes!

And some more shameless self-promotion, check out my web developer set currently in Member Review!

ps. how is it March already?!

Really? That sucks. I'll check it out later