Life has been WAY too busy lately! It's work work work! But great work. I'm developing some secret software for an unnamed brand, that I am really excited for. It'll be shipping with every instance of a product. The second amazing project I'm working on is an iPhone game. The concept hasn't been done, and I think it'll be a hit. I <3 my job.
The biggest news is that my bff and I are moving into our own places! Jaylin and I have lived together in the House of Carniwhores for the past year and it's been fantastic. But gosh, I am SO ready to live on my own now. Especially in a place with a nicer kitchen.. and walking distance to work. The unfortunate part is that I've got no furniture! I've been a bit afraid of how much the whole move is going to cost, to the point where I might be canceling my trip to SXSW. Sad panda. Anyway, I'm selling things to help fund an apartment deposit so I don't have to worry as much. WHICH LEADS ME TO!
I'm selling the laptop I bought for freelancing in September!
My RTFM set is over in Member Review if y'all haven't seen it yet! It could use some love.. to maybe get it noticed and out of MR. Any web developers out there?!
The biggest news is that my bff and I are moving into our own places! Jaylin and I have lived together in the House of Carniwhores for the past year and it's been fantastic. But gosh, I am SO ready to live on my own now. Especially in a place with a nicer kitchen.. and walking distance to work. The unfortunate part is that I've got no furniture! I've been a bit afraid of how much the whole move is going to cost, to the point where I might be canceling my trip to SXSW. Sad panda. Anyway, I'm selling things to help fund an apartment deposit so I don't have to worry as much. WHICH LEADS ME TO!
I'm selling the laptop I bought for freelancing in September!
My RTFM set is over in Member Review if y'all haven't seen it yet! It could use some love.. to maybe get it noticed and out of MR. Any web developers out there?!

... and how can ur set possibly be stuck in members review?! That's just silly lol