It's 2010! The future is now! Happy New Year, folks! Are you all as excited as I am to leave that poor excuse for a year 2009 behind?! Not to be totally nerdy, but isn't it pretty rad that today's date is binary?
Last night was pretty perfect. I was lucky to have the most beautiful man I've ever seen (and a longtime crush) as my date for the night. I wore a red strapless Ted Baker dress. Drank entirely too much, including some mdma. Though that, sadly, had little effect on me. Much partying was done with the most important people in my life. The year started out fantastically, especially the waking up next to the beautiful man part.
So now it's 2010. I survived the holidays alone (on purpose) and I am so ready to kick ass. New job starting on Monday. Divorce finally filed. Many projects being planned. SxSW fast approaching. Sunset skydiving! Amazing friends. Oh yeah, and it's the year I turn 30. I don't usually do resolutions, however, things that I will accomplish include: Getting a driver's license, mastering the art of Indian food, cooking the Ad Hoc book, buying a scooter, traveling outside of North America for the first time and most importantly, putting myself 100% into things.
What kind of awesome things do you have planned for 2010?!
Now for some random things. I went to a white elephant party a few weeks ago and proudly gave out this as my gift. It went over pretty well.

I got tired of not being able to find good pierogies in SF so I made some myself that were amazing.

Oh yeah, and I made donuts!

Lastly, ready for the most ridiculous what the what picture ever?! Me, back in the mid 90s.

Last night was pretty perfect. I was lucky to have the most beautiful man I've ever seen (and a longtime crush) as my date for the night. I wore a red strapless Ted Baker dress. Drank entirely too much, including some mdma. Though that, sadly, had little effect on me. Much partying was done with the most important people in my life. The year started out fantastically, especially the waking up next to the beautiful man part.
So now it's 2010. I survived the holidays alone (on purpose) and I am so ready to kick ass. New job starting on Monday. Divorce finally filed. Many projects being planned. SxSW fast approaching. Sunset skydiving! Amazing friends. Oh yeah, and it's the year I turn 30. I don't usually do resolutions, however, things that I will accomplish include: Getting a driver's license, mastering the art of Indian food, cooking the Ad Hoc book, buying a scooter, traveling outside of North America for the first time and most importantly, putting myself 100% into things.
What kind of awesome things do you have planned for 2010?!
Now for some random things. I went to a white elephant party a few weeks ago and proudly gave out this as my gift. It went over pretty well.

I got tired of not being able to find good pierogies in SF so I made some myself that were amazing.

Oh yeah, and I made donuts!

Lastly, ready for the most ridiculous what the what picture ever?! Me, back in the mid 90s.

happy 2010!
Empanadas GRRRRR