After the ease and success of selling a custom print to a member that messaged me, I've decided to sell prints! The duration of time, I'm unsure of, however! I am selling prints from all my sets since Coup d'Etat except for Rude Awakening, as it is not a high res set. Since this is all custom print jobs, you can choose which images you'd like, though I ask that you use a little common sense and not request anything explicit. I'm offering 4 sizes.
5x7 at $20, 8 x 12 at $30. 16 x 20 at $55 and a ginormous 20x30 poster at $75.
All proceeds go to the Help Posh Visit Her Family In Canada For The First Time In 3 Years Fund.
If you are interested, please send me a message with your requests.
Moving on! Tomorrow I leave for New York! For two nights only! I'm not going to lie, I want to be a super tourist. Visions from Home Alone 2: Lost in New York keep flashing through my mind. And the Macy's Thanksgiving parades from years gone by. I used to stay home from school on those days (Canada). Anyway, where's a girl supposed to go? Times Square? Central Park? That toy store in Home Alone 2? And I should mention I'm a little afraid to leave the vicinity of my hotel in Manhattan.
Last Saturday, Scopitone and I went to the SGLA Halo 3 party at Casa Del Fuego. Whom I should say is pretty fantastic and hospitable. Playing Halo with friends is so ridiculously better than with randoms. I kind of only want to play with friends now. Especially after getting harassed while playing last Friday. That said, is there an SG Halo night yet? I suggest Tuesdays. For really no reason. I guess I developed a method of working with my lack of skill and aiming abilities. I just run at people hoping it freaks them out a little bit, and then melee them to death. Great fun for me.
Beautiful Katamari comes out on MONDAY!! I'm so excited for rolling achievements. Oh man!
Check out these awesome boots I just got on eBay. I love them SO much. They're so futurego.

5x7 at $20, 8 x 12 at $30. 16 x 20 at $55 and a ginormous 20x30 poster at $75.
All proceeds go to the Help Posh Visit Her Family In Canada For The First Time In 3 Years Fund.
If you are interested, please send me a message with your requests.

Moving on! Tomorrow I leave for New York! For two nights only! I'm not going to lie, I want to be a super tourist. Visions from Home Alone 2: Lost in New York keep flashing through my mind. And the Macy's Thanksgiving parades from years gone by. I used to stay home from school on those days (Canada). Anyway, where's a girl supposed to go? Times Square? Central Park? That toy store in Home Alone 2? And I should mention I'm a little afraid to leave the vicinity of my hotel in Manhattan.
Last Saturday, Scopitone and I went to the SGLA Halo 3 party at Casa Del Fuego. Whom I should say is pretty fantastic and hospitable. Playing Halo with friends is so ridiculously better than with randoms. I kind of only want to play with friends now. Especially after getting harassed while playing last Friday. That said, is there an SG Halo night yet? I suggest Tuesdays. For really no reason. I guess I developed a method of working with my lack of skill and aiming abilities. I just run at people hoping it freaks them out a little bit, and then melee them to death. Great fun for me.
Beautiful Katamari comes out on MONDAY!! I'm so excited for rolling achievements. Oh man!
Check out these awesome boots I just got on eBay. I love them SO much. They're so futurego.

awesome boots by the way!!!