yes, please, no more hospital for at least a year. i know i haven't actually said what the heck is wrong with me. it is basically related to one of my ovaries. it isn't especially serious, so no worries there. it is just extremely painful, and moving around, like walking, going up and down stairs, etc. makes things worse because it causes ligaments to pull and my ovary to twist around. that results in me doubling over in pain and not being able to do anything besides cry. it is percocet painful. that, combined with the other meds i have been prescribed leave me feeling nauseated as well. thus, i am stuck laying in bed, and it is so boring. i had to miss the wedding of mistersatan and unravled this morning, and my bestest friend sloane's birthday party tonight. sucks. the best part of all is that there isn't anything the doctors can do. i just have to wait it out, not be too active and take pain pills. there, now y'all know.
it would be awesome if i could play WoW more without wanting to be sick. but it is kind of hard. i did play for a bit and got my mage to 52. so close to 60 again. the majority of my guild has been offline this past week, so having people to quest with has been limited. i've resorted to grinding in WPL at sorrow hill. a great place for easy xp until one of those asshole rogues crit backstabs for my entire health pool. good times. i'm pretty sad that i quested through the mara levels, and now those are all green quests. and really i am just blabbing on because i am super bored.
soooooo ...
my hamster family was hanging out by the bed earlier so i finally snapped a picture of the babies. they've grown so much in the past week. now they move around the cage and eat tiny seeds. they also squeak a lot which is super cute. this is the excitement i get.
it would be awesome if i could play WoW more without wanting to be sick. but it is kind of hard. i did play for a bit and got my mage to 52. so close to 60 again. the majority of my guild has been offline this past week, so having people to quest with has been limited. i've resorted to grinding in WPL at sorrow hill. a great place for easy xp until one of those asshole rogues crit backstabs for my entire health pool. good times. i'm pretty sad that i quested through the mara levels, and now those are all green quests. and really i am just blabbing on because i am super bored.
soooooo ...
my hamster family was hanging out by the bed earlier so i finally snapped a picture of the babies. they've grown so much in the past week. now they move around the cage and eat tiny seeds. they also squeak a lot which is super cute. this is the excitement i get.
Hop hop hop.
See how I did that? Like here and there?
Oh nevermind it wasn't that good.
Cute hamsters and I hope you get better real soon.