i've been resisting the urge to update since, hmm, let's go with sunday afternoon. you see, sunday morning something exciting happened. so exciting i yelled oh yeah with no one in the room. there was fire. in ball format. and a mob. a +2 mob to my 50 mage. what happened? i got a 1638 crit. and i am allowed to brag about that to no end! regardless of the fact that said mob happened to be made of tar, thus being overly susceptible to fire damage. to hell with that, i say! 1638! i also got my combustion talent. yes, i am currently 31/11 fire/arcane. and i deal a whole lot of damage. because i also happen to have +180 to fire spell damage, which i will admit is a tad overkill. i think i'm going to start upping my int gear again. 1638 crit!
i had some creepy character following me in Un'Goro on sunday. he kept inviting me to group, but i declined each time until finally i thought maybe he needed to kill those goddamn dinosaurs as well. alas! when i started fighting, that hunter bastard just stood there. so i left the group and went off on my way. shortly after i stopped and there he was on my ass. literally on my ass. okay, that's a lie. my horse's ass is more like it. trying to make his ram mount my poor, innocent black stallion. he stayed following me for a solid twenty minutes before i contacted a gm.
my hamster bitch is a slut! she had babies! it was either the work of jesus, or scopitone has something to confess to. she had four ugly babies on wednesday night. they looked like tiny plastic pigs. so gross. so far she has only consumed one. everytime i saw her cleaning them, i thought she was eating them. i had visions of her looking up at me with wiggly baby hamsters stuffed in her cheeks. eww.
i also kind of got a macbook pro. and by kind of, i mean my mom was awesome. i will say it is pretty damn fast. and while i know that you aren't actually supposed to put it on your lap, this baby runs hot! there is also the annoying whining sound, which i've learned is from the idol processor. now, my main complaint is with intermittent wifi. i was under the impression that the revision D model was supposed to have corrected this, but i guess not. if i switch networks, i cannot get back onto my wifi network without either restarting the computer, or turning off my airport for a solid amount of time. i've read of others having this problem too, so hopefully apple addresses the issue.
and uh, that is it!
i had some creepy character following me in Un'Goro on sunday. he kept inviting me to group, but i declined each time until finally i thought maybe he needed to kill those goddamn dinosaurs as well. alas! when i started fighting, that hunter bastard just stood there. so i left the group and went off on my way. shortly after i stopped and there he was on my ass. literally on my ass. okay, that's a lie. my horse's ass is more like it. trying to make his ram mount my poor, innocent black stallion. he stayed following me for a solid twenty minutes before i contacted a gm.
my hamster bitch is a slut! she had babies! it was either the work of jesus, or scopitone has something to confess to. she had four ugly babies on wednesday night. they looked like tiny plastic pigs. so gross. so far she has only consumed one. everytime i saw her cleaning them, i thought she was eating them. i had visions of her looking up at me with wiggly baby hamsters stuffed in her cheeks. eww.
i also kind of got a macbook pro. and by kind of, i mean my mom was awesome. i will say it is pretty damn fast. and while i know that you aren't actually supposed to put it on your lap, this baby runs hot! there is also the annoying whining sound, which i've learned is from the idol processor. now, my main complaint is with intermittent wifi. i was under the impression that the revision D model was supposed to have corrected this, but i guess not. if i switch networks, i cannot get back onto my wifi network without either restarting the computer, or turning off my airport for a solid amount of time. i've read of others having this problem too, so hopefully apple addresses the issue.
and uh, that is it!