Went and saw Sin City. It did the comics justice. My favorite storyline was with Marv (duh). Micky Rouke looked... nothing like Micky Rouke. I give my graditute to the cast and crew for making the voices in my head the same as the voices on the screen.
However, any scene in Old Town was awesome. Hot, packing hookers shooting the shit out of people. Got to love it. I now want to get my ears pierced so I wear dangly earrings and wear far too many necklaces because I love Becky's look.
Fuck Johnny Boy, however Deltorro (can't spell his name/too lazy to look it up) didn't sound or look a thing like his normal self. I dare say he looked better than ever.
And Josh Hartnett was in it. ...Wow. He's still really, really hot.
Of course Britney Murphy was sexy and even Jessica Alba looked great, which I thought was impossible. However, whoever played Gail did her justice.
"I need a pair of cuffs."
"Which kind? I have a collection."
Ah, Gail.
Anyways, I suggest seeing it NOW, if you already haven't. You don't need to read the comics to see it and if you're hesitant because you've read the comics, well, they don't fuck it up. At all. They go by the book the whole ten yards.
However, any scene in Old Town was awesome. Hot, packing hookers shooting the shit out of people. Got to love it. I now want to get my ears pierced so I wear dangly earrings and wear far too many necklaces because I love Becky's look.

Fuck Johnny Boy, however Deltorro (can't spell his name/too lazy to look it up) didn't sound or look a thing like his normal self. I dare say he looked better than ever.
And Josh Hartnett was in it. ...Wow. He's still really, really hot.
Of course Britney Murphy was sexy and even Jessica Alba looked great, which I thought was impossible. However, whoever played Gail did her justice.
"I need a pair of cuffs."
"Which kind? I have a collection."
Ah, Gail.
Anyways, I suggest seeing it NOW, if you already haven't. You don't need to read the comics to see it and if you're hesitant because you've read the comics, well, they don't fuck it up. At all. They go by the book the whole ten yards.
do you have a "this one time in band camp" story?
