The Twisted Sister/Alice Cooper gig was tonight.
I spent sixty motherfucking quid on tickets for me and my best mate.
The dumb cunts in resource planning fucked up the rota at work, causing me to think I was working today, hence that the gig wasn't today.
I discovered I had today rosterd off after working from 1030 to 1730 when I was checking my holiday for to ensure I had time of later in the month.
Lo and behold, 2 days rostered on on the rota that had been fucking appoved for fucking holidays in fucking April.
Stupid fucking pricks.
I will now be drinking a large quantity of bourbon.
The Twisted Sister/Alice Cooper gig was tonight.
I spent sixty motherfucking quid on tickets for me and my best mate.
The dumb cunts in resource planning fucked up the rota at work, causing me to think I was working today, hence that the gig wasn't today.
I discovered I had today rosterd off after working from 1030 to 1730 when I was checking my holiday for to ensure I had time of later in the month.
Lo and behold, 2 days rostered on on the rota that had been fucking appoved for fucking holidays in fucking April.
Stupid fucking pricks.
I will now be drinking a large quantity of bourbon.
Whay thank thee kindly sir.