Such and smart girl!
Well I got a 97% on my Environmental Science midterm! Woohoo! All the studying paid I just have one more class to finish work for, and im done...then its off to my glamourous hometown for spring break!
(its not really cool at all, and im a little bummed that i am spending my spring break there) but i never recieved any planes tickets in the mail to spend my break in some fantastic locale being someones sex slave...or they mine..
I think now im going to gather my assingments and go to the coffeeshop, or go watch a movie..
Well I got a 97% on my Environmental Science midterm! Woohoo! All the studying paid I just have one more class to finish work for, and im done...then its off to my glamourous hometown for spring break!

I think now im going to gather my assingments and go to the coffeeshop, or go watch a movie..
'wined,dined and 69 ed!'
ps my butler jeeves says is time for brunch sir!so i,m off
goodbye me ladeee! Bah poashasf@:kbish