Its fun going to bars on monday!
I just got home from Blue Monday at the bar, I had a drink called a vibrator, and it was no where near as good or fun as my vibrators..booo! But it was fun nonetheless, I got lots of compliments on my Ninja Turtles t-shirt, but then I realized it wasnt the turtles that was being complimented, it was my boobies...
Also my friend told me that he wont ever go down on a girl because it tastes like battery acid! LOL What the hell??!! Guys who dont like to give ladies oral pleasure are so terribly lame, and make me angry! Arrghhh! And i think that is precisely why he doesnt have a lady. hahahaha!
But im going to take a shower now...who wants to join?!
I just got home from Blue Monday at the bar, I had a drink called a vibrator, and it was no where near as good or fun as my vibrators..booo! But it was fun nonetheless, I got lots of compliments on my Ninja Turtles t-shirt, but then I realized it wasnt the turtles that was being complimented, it was my boobies...

Also my friend told me that he wont ever go down on a girl because it tastes like battery acid! LOL What the hell??!! Guys who dont like to give ladies oral pleasure are so terribly lame, and make me angry! Arrghhh! And i think that is precisely why he doesnt have a lady. hahahaha!
But im going to take a shower now...who wants to join?!

BATTERY ACID?!?!? well, that just leaves more wiggly slurpy yummies for those of us who know better.
thanks girly, you are too kind.
I got that shirt at hot topic on clearance for 4 dollors. w00t!
I wanna ninja turtles t-shirt. I used to have a bad ass gumby shirt, I think my brother stole it. Dude, I dont know if you heard, but Justin is fucking engaged! he's getting married in July supposedly, he graduates HIGH SCHOOL in June!I could kill the little fucker. it's lame.
Poon does not taste like freakin battery acid! That guys had himself some funk-nasty pussy. That's fo' sho'.
Someone should buy you a digital camera so all the pervy fucks here on SG can compliment your boobies. I swear, they love tits so much around here, you'd think it was a porn site or somethin.
So in the end, boobies rule, clean vag doesnt taste like battery acid, and vibrator drinks are no where near as fun as the toys themselves. amen.