She gave me a pen. I gave her my heart... she gave me a pen!
*Where is Lloyd Dobler, and why wont we live together happily ever after?!
Im back, from my own Morrissey like depression, or perhaps its because of the Moz. I listened to his new song a few days ago...I fucking love that mopey bastard!
and I am vibrating with anticipation for his new album
I hope Im not to poor when it comes out...then I will have to resort to begging for change...
Like this man, I won't bullshit you...I will make a sign that straight up now tells you that
"Need to buy new Moz cd, because his moody acerbic wit is like pop rocks to my Pop Rocks!"
Ya know, because I dont see him as a tropical punch kinda guy.
*Interesting thing: Last night I repeatedly stabbed a pig liver in my friends front yard at about 10pm at night, with this totally rad chick named Ronna.
-No I wasnt high...
Heroin anyone?
Tommorow is the beginning of Midterms, and also I have to have some album reviews in, for the radio station.
My weekend consisted of listening to these albums:
Peter Murphy
Frank Black and the Catholics
and David Bowie (my true love)
This album I in fact own and have listened to many many times, but no one had reviewed it, so I have rescued it from 'shitty album that no one wants to review oblivion'
**When I put on my headphones and sink away into those songs, I know in my heart that it will be ok. I know I will find my street, I know it every time I look out my shitty broken window. The stars get trapped in the broken glass web and for a moment it looks like the myriad windows of high rise buildings. I know Lou is out there. I know I will be
*Where is Lloyd Dobler, and why wont we live together happily ever after?!

Im back, from my own Morrissey like depression, or perhaps its because of the Moz. I listened to his new song a few days ago...I fucking love that mopey bastard!

and I am vibrating with anticipation for his new album

I hope Im not to poor when it comes out...then I will have to resort to begging for change...

Like this man, I won't bullshit you...I will make a sign that straight up now tells you that
"Need to buy new Moz cd, because his moody acerbic wit is like pop rocks to my Pop Rocks!"

Ya know, because I dont see him as a tropical punch kinda guy.
*Interesting thing: Last night I repeatedly stabbed a pig liver in my friends front yard at about 10pm at night, with this totally rad chick named Ronna.
-No I wasnt high...
Heroin anyone?

Tommorow is the beginning of Midterms, and also I have to have some album reviews in, for the radio station.
My weekend consisted of listening to these albums:
Peter Murphy

Frank Black and the Catholics

and David Bowie (my true love)

This album I in fact own and have listened to many many times, but no one had reviewed it, so I have rescued it from 'shitty album that no one wants to review oblivion'
**When I put on my headphones and sink away into those songs, I know in my heart that it will be ok. I know I will find my street, I know it every time I look out my shitty broken window. The stars get trapped in the broken glass web and for a moment it looks like the myriad windows of high rise buildings. I know Lou is out there. I know I will be

How Soon Is Now? (Starfire Mix)
That's the only Smiths remix he's done, it's an unreleased promo-only remix made last year for a label exec.
Happy sexy day.
The beau and Stewfnrocker found at my regular thrift (they did before I found it) a leprechan that was on all fours with a smile on his stupid face and like assholes, they went crazy. We were calling it the "Brokeback Leprachan" and "Submissive Leprechan" and we couldn't stop laughing. It was gone though when we went back for it and Baby said it was prolly like they had to remove it after the scene we all made. You should've seen these 2 assholes, they were like Jefferson and Al Bundy together.