'What's so great about really deep thoughts?"
I am sitting here drinking Pellegrino out of the cup of a martini shaker. GLAMOUROUS!
Had a great breakfast at my friends Jamal and Carolyn's place. Waffles and bacon, coffee and juice. The we all decided to draw names for gift exchange...which is always so hard because no one ever knows what to get anyone...
I also sold my books back today, got a whole $52.

The I went to the Co-Op and bought some things to make for dinner: Lemon Grass and Chili soup with rice noodles and some vegetarian spring rolls. Oh and Pellegrino.
No I am sitting here listening to bbc radio 2, and getting it up to work on my exploratory writing final....

I think I might see The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe tonight!! I will let you know

Have a good day cheeky wee monkeys!
Over and Out***************************
edited to say: I didnt get to see Chronicles of Narnia, it was sold out


Tori has always been a fav of mine