Stalling for time...
I should be writing a rough draft write now
but im so incredibly lazy. But its going to be funny, its about how i had this Penthouse magazine when i was like 9 and hid it in my toy box. The funnier thing is is that i have to read if for my whole class.
I have no x-mas money this year, im so broke. I dunno what im going to do about gifts for family and boy. Im thinking about getting him a petrified wood clock with a portrait of john wayne on it. BECAUSE ITS AWESOME!
For now I am just sitting around in some carebear jammies watching Adult Swim, waiting fo the new Aqua Teen, so that hot bitch Carl can rock my socks off.
Im not at all looking forward to the new two weeks, so much that has to be done for finals. And I havent even started. And I have to build a wooden cross for this ephemeral art piece im doing...which should freak out my class
But I gots some silk nog, and cocoa I should be good hunkered down here writing my ass off....
over and out********************************************
I should be writing a rough draft write now

I have no x-mas money this year, im so broke. I dunno what im going to do about gifts for family and boy. Im thinking about getting him a petrified wood clock with a portrait of john wayne on it. BECAUSE ITS AWESOME!
For now I am just sitting around in some carebear jammies watching Adult Swim, waiting fo the new Aqua Teen, so that hot bitch Carl can rock my socks off.
Im not at all looking forward to the new two weeks, so much that has to be done for finals. And I havent even started. And I have to build a wooden cross for this ephemeral art piece im doing...which should freak out my class

But I gots some silk nog, and cocoa I should be good hunkered down here writing my ass off....
over and out********************************************