Im officially a mad old woman
I put up my little X-mas decorations last night. I know its only the 21st, but i was bored and I thought it would be nice to come home from thanksgiving with the family, to be greeted with a lighted tree and tinsel. Plus I think that the proper time to put up decorations is dictated by the date department stores begin playing x-mas music.
Nothing is going on, however:
♥My neighbors, and in fact nearly everyone on my floor has gone home, so im allll alone! Its so unbelieveably nice not to have to deal with my suitemates bullshit.
♥Because no one is around, I had really loud sex last night in my room, it was grrreat as tony the tiger would say.
♥I have Silk Nog
♥I have worn nothing my sweatpants for 3 days
♥Im watchind beavis and butthead!
How come my life cant be like theirs? I could just sit around with my best friend and watch old videos alllllllll day, tis the life!
But I suppose I should start packing to go home for a few days...
Happy a lovely thanksgiving all, over and out cheeky monkeys!
End Transmission**************************************

I put up my little X-mas decorations last night. I know its only the 21st, but i was bored and I thought it would be nice to come home from thanksgiving with the family, to be greeted with a lighted tree and tinsel. Plus I think that the proper time to put up decorations is dictated by the date department stores begin playing x-mas music.
Nothing is going on, however:
♥My neighbors, and in fact nearly everyone on my floor has gone home, so im allll alone! Its so unbelieveably nice not to have to deal with my suitemates bullshit.
♥Because no one is around, I had really loud sex last night in my room, it was grrreat as tony the tiger would say.

♥I have Silk Nog
♥I have worn nothing my sweatpants for 3 days

♥Im watchind beavis and butthead!
How come my life cant be like theirs? I could just sit around with my best friend and watch old videos alllllllll day, tis the life!
But I suppose I should start packing to go home for a few days...

Happy a lovely thanksgiving all, over and out cheeky monkeys!
End Transmission**************************************
"And the greatest of Ass-hats, shall rise from the depths to torment the fat chicks group, and all who dwell within."
-from Assus Asshatius(and the wonders of the oozing anus) voume 3.