Yeesh...does anyone know how to squeeze more than 24 hours into a day? I have been so busy with work and helping some friends out with some projects that I haven't gotten ANY drawings done lately... Not only do I owe pics to friends and SGs for fun and to some customers who are paying $$$...but I enjoy drawing so much that when I don't do it for a while I start to feel really run down. Drawing energizes me, but at the same time, I need energy to do's a closed loop that feeds off itself! Like right's 10:50PM, and I have some time now before I go to bed, but I'm too tired to start anything...
Ah, well...all I'm doing is complaining. If all goes well, this week will see some of my time free itself up. How are you all doing? Any tips or ideas on how to better manage one's time?
Ah, well...all I'm doing is complaining. If all goes well, this week will see some of my time free itself up. How are you all doing? Any tips or ideas on how to better manage one's time?

i really really really suck at time management. i'm a total procrastinator! so, i'm no help at all... just remember to breath.