...and now for something completely different...it's not a drawing of a lovely young naked woman this time! It's a drawing I did of a gladiola for a friend of mine... I haven't drawn too many flowers before, but I think this one came out all right.
Also, here's a general QUESTION for you out there: It has come to my attention that I am decidedly "odd" because I don't like to drink alcohol. I don't care if other people do it, but I just don't like the taste (and particularly the smell!), and I have never been drunk in my life. I turn 38 years old in a couple of weeks and thought that other people my age or close to my age would be adult and respect this...but I find a lot of people who are pushing 40 act like high school kids when it comes to this subject! It doesn't hurt me, but I'm an inquisitive sort and wondered what others thought about this? Am I (gasp) boring???
My motto is "Do what you like and like what you do!"
More drawings of SGs to come!

Also, here's a general QUESTION for you out there: It has come to my attention that I am decidedly "odd" because I don't like to drink alcohol. I don't care if other people do it, but I just don't like the taste (and particularly the smell!), and I have never been drunk in my life. I turn 38 years old in a couple of weeks and thought that other people my age or close to my age would be adult and respect this...but I find a lot of people who are pushing 40 act like high school kids when it comes to this subject! It doesn't hurt me, but I'm an inquisitive sort and wondered what others thought about this? Am I (gasp) boring???

My motto is "Do what you like and like what you do!"
More drawings of SGs to come!

I was 21 before I had my first drink and even now I drink rarely. It is completely not a bad thing. I hate the taste and the smell too!
And saying Happy Easter is not at all anticlimatic! Thanks!