Got a new tank for one of my bettas today. Its got a nice filtration system and a good light. That now makes 4 aquariums in my little 1 bedroom apartment. Not to mention my rat and mouse cages. I need a bigger place.
Its Saturday and the middle of my work week. I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow and 10 hours on Monday. Oh well, gotta pay for my internet service somehow.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I hate dumbass, drunken, sports fan, frat boys that get obnoxious after going to a hockey game and make me kick them out of the bar.
Go Twins!
Its Saturday and the middle of my work week. I've got a 12 hour shift tomorrow and 10 hours on Monday. Oh well, gotta pay for my internet service somehow.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot. I hate dumbass, drunken, sports fan, frat boys that get obnoxious after going to a hockey game and make me kick them out of the bar.
Go Twins!