Fuck fuck.
When it rains it pours you know? When an attractive male passes my way with the best of intentions with my heart and a dashing smile... and all I can do is watch him pass..I know this feeling. I know why I feel it. I'm so torn over you. I'm so fucked up from the fact that you're not coming back to me. That I'll never have you the way I had you before. And now someone else who would have been perfect before comes along, and I want nothing to do with him. He's perfect. You are flawed. And I loved you.
Fucking save me from this mess. Love is not worth the torment of living my life without you. I just cannot love someone else.
When it rains it pours you know? When an attractive male passes my way with the best of intentions with my heart and a dashing smile... and all I can do is watch him pass..I know this feeling. I know why I feel it. I'm so torn over you. I'm so fucked up from the fact that you're not coming back to me. That I'll never have you the way I had you before. And now someone else who would have been perfect before comes along, and I want nothing to do with him. He's perfect. You are flawed. And I loved you.
Fucking save me from this mess. Love is not worth the torment of living my life without you. I just cannot love someone else.
Love doesn't seem worth it sometimes huh?