So I'm going Seattle on Friday. Pretty good for a
guy man with no job talk about a budgetting master.
I think the only reason I can go is because last month
I ate like 60 dollars of Ramen Noodles and the thing
you can sell on Evil-Bay. I making a sweet ass "Head
Shot" picture. Because assclowns are bitching that I don;t
have a picture of myself. I guess I'm the only one that
likes the skull and cross-boners picture. There was an
"X" song on Crossing Jordan man the show denialates(de-ni-a-lates)
CSI. Which pisses me off for a different reason.
I'm out
guy man with no job talk about a budgetting master.
I think the only reason I can go is because last month
I ate like 60 dollars of Ramen Noodles and the thing
you can sell on Evil-Bay. I making a sweet ass "Head
Shot" picture. Because assclowns are bitching that I don;t
have a picture of myself. I guess I'm the only one that
likes the skull and cross-boners picture. There was an
"X" song on Crossing Jordan man the show denialates(de-ni-a-lates)
CSI. Which pisses me off for a different reason.
I'm out