This is what I get for googling my self
I suck
Wear Seat Belts
Editor, Times-Union:
In these times of uncertainty, we all become more concerned about safety matters. Yet many people still don't take one of the simplest, most effective steps to stay safe: Buckling up. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fully 60 percent of the passenger vehicle occupants killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2001 weren't wearing seat belts.
Teenagers and young adults are especially vulnerable. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people age 15 to 24 in the United States, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. And NHTSA reports that in Indiana, 61 percent of 16- to 20-year-old passenger vehicle occupants killed or seriously injured in crashes in 2001 were not wearing a seat belt.
In 1999, Indiana traffic fatalities totaled to an all-time high of 1,021. Since we've asked police agencies working overtime enforcement in Operation Pullover to enforce the primary seat belt laws, fatalities in Indiana have decreased to an all-time low - only 779 in 2002! But that's still too many.
Sometimes the fear of getting a traffic ticket is the only reason that someone will wear a seat belt. That's why state and local law enforcement officers are joining the Click It or Ticket May 2003 Mobilization that runs from May 18-31 and will aggressively ticket unbelted drivers and passengers and child restraint violators. Police officers do not enjoy spending their time looking for people who are unrestrained in cars, but they'd rather do this than find those people dead or injured because of a motor vehicle crash.
Wear your seat belt every trip, every time. Or risk getting a ticket. No exceptions. No excuses.
Lance Grubbs
Law Enforcement Liaison - Northeast Indiana
Governor's Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving
I suck
Wear Seat Belts
Editor, Times-Union:
In these times of uncertainty, we all become more concerned about safety matters. Yet many people still don't take one of the simplest, most effective steps to stay safe: Buckling up. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, fully 60 percent of the passenger vehicle occupants killed in motor vehicle crashes in 2001 weren't wearing seat belts.
Teenagers and young adults are especially vulnerable. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death for people age 15 to 24 in the United States, according to the National Center for Health Statistics. And NHTSA reports that in Indiana, 61 percent of 16- to 20-year-old passenger vehicle occupants killed or seriously injured in crashes in 2001 were not wearing a seat belt.
In 1999, Indiana traffic fatalities totaled to an all-time high of 1,021. Since we've asked police agencies working overtime enforcement in Operation Pullover to enforce the primary seat belt laws, fatalities in Indiana have decreased to an all-time low - only 779 in 2002! But that's still too many.
Sometimes the fear of getting a traffic ticket is the only reason that someone will wear a seat belt. That's why state and local law enforcement officers are joining the Click It or Ticket May 2003 Mobilization that runs from May 18-31 and will aggressively ticket unbelted drivers and passengers and child restraint violators. Police officers do not enjoy spending their time looking for people who are unrestrained in cars, but they'd rather do this than find those people dead or injured because of a motor vehicle crash.
Wear your seat belt every trip, every time. Or risk getting a ticket. No exceptions. No excuses.
Lance Grubbs
Law Enforcement Liaison - Northeast Indiana
Governor's Council on Impaired & Dangerous Driving
all i remember about eugene was what seemed to be a gym, and about 50 people tops (including children)