So birthday went pretty good.
tried to follow Sophie badass advice
but Stayed in and had the family over for dinner.
My mom did the sweetest thing. She bought me new
pillow's for my bed and then appolgize because one
was Tommy Hilfiger. She then let me know that
they were not from wal-mart. She also bought me a bunch of paint because she gets...
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tried to follow Sophie badass advice
but Stayed in and had the family over for dinner.
My mom did the sweetest thing. She bought me new
pillow's for my bed and then appolgize because one
was Tommy Hilfiger. She then let me know that
they were not from wal-mart. She also bought me a bunch of paint because she gets...
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"No. I like meat, sun and am not a 12 year old goth girl.
I also have class."
Someone's a bit of an aggressive person.
Firstly, it has nothing to do with meat. So it's not even an issue. Secondly, I like the sun as well, it doesn't mean I don't like to be pale. And thirdly, it has nothing to do with class or being a "12 year old goth girl" because I really don't know of any certain type that likes Bright Eyes, wow, people just like it because they like it.
Way to shit on someone for no particular reason. Don't bother coming back to my journal or leaving me any further comments.
And by the way, last time I thought of the word "class" I certainly didn't think of the words pork and master put together to make a screenname.
I also have class."
Someone's a bit of an aggressive person.
Firstly, it has nothing to do with meat. So it's not even an issue. Secondly, I like the sun as well, it doesn't mean I don't like to be pale. And thirdly, it has nothing to do with class or being a "12 year old goth girl" because I really don't know of any certain type that likes Bright Eyes, wow, people just like it because they like it.
Way to shit on someone for no particular reason. Don't bother coming back to my journal or leaving me any further comments.
And by the way, last time I thought of the word "class" I certainly didn't think of the words pork and master put together to make a screenname.
happy belated bday!
i'm a donor so they can take what they want and burn the rest!
i'm a donor so they can take what they want and burn the rest!
I guess the only problem with getting 8 hours of sleep is when you fall asleep before 9:00pm. So now your up a little past 5:00am. When the only thing you have to do today is go to the comic shop and pick up something you ordered, not because it's a comic, because in a town this small they are the only ones who will...
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Happy Birthday
Great link, thank you!
And happy belated birthday!
And happy belated birthday!
Shake Yer Dix
Shake Yer Titz
Shake Yer Dix
Shake Yer Titz
So back from Seattle.
Visting my friend Robert.
Boo this man.
I had a cold the whole time and we walked everywhere.
Roberts choice.
Gas price's to high.
Don't know never told why.
Going to smokey clubs also not my idea.
There is also apperntly no to go restaurants in Seattle.
I know I'm bitchin' but all that I wanted to do is visit my...
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Visting my friend Robert.
Boo this man.
I had a cold the whole time and we walked everywhere.
Roberts choice.
Gas price's to high.
Don't know never told why.
Going to smokey clubs also not my idea.
There is also apperntly no to go restaurants in Seattle.
I know I'm bitchin' but all that I wanted to do is visit my...
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So I'm going Seattle on Friday. Pretty good for a
guy man with no job talk about a budgetting master.
I think the only reason I can go is because last month
I ate like 60 dollars of Ramen Noodles and the thing
you can sell on Evil-Bay. I making a sweet ass "Head
Shot" picture. Because assclowns are bitching that I don;t
have a...
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guy man with no job talk about a budgetting master.
I think the only reason I can go is because last month
I ate like 60 dollars of Ramen Noodles and the thing
you can sell on Evil-Bay. I making a sweet ass "Head
Shot" picture. Because assclowns are bitching that I don;t
have a...
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The show was really good
Rise Against rock my socks off as always
Tsumai Bomb was great it must be hard to
with shitty assclown crowd surfers,
Also "Only Crime" is the worst thing to happen to
anybody's eardrums in a long time
but I do love the drummer
that's ALL
Rise Against rock my socks off as always
Tsumai Bomb was great it must be hard to
with shitty assclown crowd surfers,
Also "Only Crime" is the worst thing to happen to
anybody's eardrums in a long time
but I do love the drummer
that's ALL
Im going back to bed.
Going to a Rise against show tomorrow at the
Meow Meow. It's a long drive but they're always worth it.
Oh yeah Tsunami Bomb is playing to I heard
they are good.
Boom Town USA
Population Me.
Meow Meow. It's a long drive but they're always worth it.
Oh yeah Tsunami Bomb is playing to I heard
they are good.
Boom Town USA
Population Me.