i love the dresden dolls.
i spent the better part of last night carreening through my thoughts of the future as the sounds from amanda & brian washed over. i drove for hours, as it seemed, and just let myself think. i thought about what it would be like if i moved out to LA with bijou, and i thought about what my life could be if i stayed here. this is one of the biggest decisions i have to make at this point in my life, and i have to make it by tuesday. everyday i find myself flip flopping back and forth about where i want to live. what tears me up is that i want to come home to bijou every night, take showers together, have enjoyable screamy sex during the middle of our day (during a lunch break would be preferrable) and just enjoying all that cali has to offer-- sunshine, nude tanning at our apartment, a costume designer for a neighbor, new friends & new opportunities. oh, and angel wings on my back of course
but then my mind drifts to my new job. even though i hate making sales calls, i love my job. i work in my boss's apartment in brighton, i can go to work at flexible hours and work up until 10 at night. it totally suits my lifestyle (as my mom would say vampire hours) because david is very similar to me. what other job could i have that i am encouraged to wear vinyl to work and to makeup my eyes as crazy as i want to? yeah it doesn't pay as much as i would like it too, but it's a tradeoff for both the lifestyle and the experience. and to top things off, he has such great friends and we all love to get fucked up together as often as we can. there's something enjoyable about relaxing with a bottle of red wine while still managing to do your job. i love the flexibility it gives me. the only worry i have is getting health insurance. i have to work something out. but i am free to get that lip piercing i have always been dreaming of and to start my sleeve. and it all sounds so perfect for me but one major thing missing is Bijou. i miss not having him here. not having him to scratch my back, or kiss my forehead or give me those upside down kisses that i melt for. there are no rasberries on my belly and there's no one to play hostile bed takeover with. he refuses to move to boston because his parents do not condone that behavior and he still has financial ties to them. i understand that money is an issue, but there is a time to start anew and just work work work to pay the bills. and i believe that time is now. i don't want to appear selfish or whatever, but i just want him here with me, starting our life together. is that asking too much??
on another note, david totally had sex with this chick while i was making sales calls!! it was the funniest thing!
he tells me that he is "going to lay down for a massage" and to hold his calls. no sooner do the sounds of industrial music pour out of the speakers do i hear faint moaning, only to be followed by loud orgasmic shouts that rocked the walls. david's creepy roommate paul even came out of his room and did a once-around the apartment just to hear the sex up close. and i'm sitting there laughing to myself as this poor guy who probably hasn't been laid in years get some ear candy to do his duty behind his closed door! hehehe
and dammnit did i wanna get fucked right then and there.
have you ever seen this episode on queer as folk, i think number 68 or 69 on the on demand crap, but this lesbian chick who's having a baby just gets royally fucked by this guy after an art show? it was fucking wild! he just took her and slammed her up against the wall, tore her panties off and just started fucking. wow. it was unbelievable. i want some!!
on another side note, my friend just started doing escorting. $100 per dinner with no physical contact. if they don't pick her up, they must give her $60 so she can secure her own transportation, which usually consists of her taking the T and profiting lotsa cash. she's thinking about moving into sex, and thinks she can bring in (with the right person) $5000. now that's a lot of money for one interaction! i just hope everything works out for her and that she is safe. then she mentioned she was looking for a girlie to play around with. and i told her so am i.
i spent the better part of last night carreening through my thoughts of the future as the sounds from amanda & brian washed over. i drove for hours, as it seemed, and just let myself think. i thought about what it would be like if i moved out to LA with bijou, and i thought about what my life could be if i stayed here. this is one of the biggest decisions i have to make at this point in my life, and i have to make it by tuesday. everyday i find myself flip flopping back and forth about where i want to live. what tears me up is that i want to come home to bijou every night, take showers together, have enjoyable screamy sex during the middle of our day (during a lunch break would be preferrable) and just enjoying all that cali has to offer-- sunshine, nude tanning at our apartment, a costume designer for a neighbor, new friends & new opportunities. oh, and angel wings on my back of course

but then my mind drifts to my new job. even though i hate making sales calls, i love my job. i work in my boss's apartment in brighton, i can go to work at flexible hours and work up until 10 at night. it totally suits my lifestyle (as my mom would say vampire hours) because david is very similar to me. what other job could i have that i am encouraged to wear vinyl to work and to makeup my eyes as crazy as i want to? yeah it doesn't pay as much as i would like it too, but it's a tradeoff for both the lifestyle and the experience. and to top things off, he has such great friends and we all love to get fucked up together as often as we can. there's something enjoyable about relaxing with a bottle of red wine while still managing to do your job. i love the flexibility it gives me. the only worry i have is getting health insurance. i have to work something out. but i am free to get that lip piercing i have always been dreaming of and to start my sleeve. and it all sounds so perfect for me but one major thing missing is Bijou. i miss not having him here. not having him to scratch my back, or kiss my forehead or give me those upside down kisses that i melt for. there are no rasberries on my belly and there's no one to play hostile bed takeover with. he refuses to move to boston because his parents do not condone that behavior and he still has financial ties to them. i understand that money is an issue, but there is a time to start anew and just work work work to pay the bills. and i believe that time is now. i don't want to appear selfish or whatever, but i just want him here with me, starting our life together. is that asking too much??
on another note, david totally had sex with this chick while i was making sales calls!! it was the funniest thing!

and dammnit did i wanna get fucked right then and there.
have you ever seen this episode on queer as folk, i think number 68 or 69 on the on demand crap, but this lesbian chick who's having a baby just gets royally fucked by this guy after an art show? it was fucking wild! he just took her and slammed her up against the wall, tore her panties off and just started fucking. wow. it was unbelievable. i want some!!
on another side note, my friend just started doing escorting. $100 per dinner with no physical contact. if they don't pick her up, they must give her $60 so she can secure her own transportation, which usually consists of her taking the T and profiting lotsa cash. she's thinking about moving into sex, and thinks she can bring in (with the right person) $5000. now that's a lot of money for one interaction! i just hope everything works out for her and that she is safe. then she mentioned she was looking for a girlie to play around with. and i told her so am i.

Great story about your boss! Cracked me up!