Thursday Jan 29, 2004 Jan 29, 2004 0 Facebook Tweet Email shit liquid_fire: bothell, yeah maybe there was a bonfire and tons of people i lived with a girl who knew jen who worked at Easy street, you know jen aldrich. anyways, i think we talked maybe twice, so yeah maybe i know you , or you i Jan 29, 2004 poprocks: yes, those were the good old days, i'm smiling right now so are we allowed to be friends online? SP was a band that Rob was in for a while Jan 29, 2004
there was a bonfire and tons of people
i lived with a girl who knew jen who worked at Easy street, you know jen aldrich.
anyways, i think we talked maybe twice, so yeah maybe i know you , or you i
so are we allowed to be friends online?
SP was a band that Rob was in for a while