Hello campers.
I've had a fucking ace week. It started off horribly, and has just gotten better with each passing hour. Thus here I sit with a muffin and a cup of tea feeling very happy indeed.
Monday and Tuesday were generic non-events. I picked up an extra hour of overtime on Tuesday, and i'm doing twenty more this pay period to get some extra cash and also because my manager is so incompetent that the department has fallen unacceptibly behind with the event queues. We have been called-upon to complete 12 hours minimum of overtime, or off with our heads. My inner rebel is hating me right now as I merrily go over-and-above the call of duty, however I had planned to do the overtime before it was enforced, therefore I win. Ner-ner.
Wednesday I had photography where I succesfully developed my first film and was amazed at the poor arithmetic skills of some of the people in my class. I had to be the human calculator when mixing the chemicals. I got some really nice shots on that film, and should be printing them this week. I have a project to complete for next week which is very vague. Basically pick a theme and shoot it. I've been shooting people in social situations, but i'll probably think of something different to do before class.
Thursday I had the laziest day at work because I had Friday off, so I did pretty much screw-all. Thursday evening I went down to Bristol to see my boy-buddy-supreme Kristoph, whom I hadn't seen since I think April - which is insane because I love that bearded man like a semi-incestuous brother. *Eeep. Hehe. We stood in the cold for an hour and a half while we waited for our lift. We drove into town and went to Ill Bordello to see the mighty Traumatron lazering his rays of comedy doom all over the boat, and Nic, Tsui and glittery Nadine shake their lady-bits in a room full of 'Alan's-bitches'. Translation: Drunken idiots from Western-Super-Mare who honestly thought that dressing up in Huggy-bear style get-up had never been done before. Thankfully after the first act they vanished (I think Nic set her WoWC trolls upon them) and we were left with a nicely filled maritime public-house full of appreciators. Tsui is an absolute darling. All I have to say is 'MALT SHAKE' - oh you SO know what we're doing next week in Brighton. Shake-shake-shake
Friday Kristoph and I did what we tend to do best; shop in vintage clothes, piercing, magazine and comic book outlets. We also drank coffee like the cultured little tarts we are, whilst he read and I wandering off around the top floor of the empty coffee shop taking pictures. We parted ways, I met my French friend Helene for a ginger beer before my train. You know when someone is different to you but just so on your level of thinking? 1 hour really is a short time when you're enjoying the conversation.
I twiddled my thumbs on the 18:58 Virgin Pendolino service from Bristol Temple Meads to Birmingham New Street, where I met my beautiful beautiful beautiful (did I forget beautiful?) girly and everything just fell right in to place ♥. We went home and cooked HORRIBLE food and then fell asleep (insert time gap <<< ). Saturday I woke us both up at silly o'clock as usual, we watched American Splendour over cereal and tea and then I went out on a bike ride where I got lost in torrential rain in a vest top, and then my chain came off and wedged in the gear cogs and I had to pull it out and came back looking like a mechanic. Oooh. Hot.
CrackHeidi arrived! We set up studio lights in my room and using various props (aviators, a faux-fur stole and a longboard) hopefully took some pictures good enough for his portfolio. I was also taught how to load a Hasselblad - and now I need one. Hehe. After sitting in much traffic, we finally got into town and went to the opening part of the all new Modern Body Art, the love-child of the amazing and talented Frankie and her handy-Matt. It looks incredible and i'm so proud of them both.
After that we went to the Academy, where the hammering past-times began, and the dancing errupted! Kogii did not stop dancing all night. I did my fair share, but that girl has dancing feet. We piled back to Frankie and Matt's place where we all just crashed-out and had hammered conversations about everything and anything, before leaving at sunrise for my bed. And what an amazing destination that was. The dancing continued... ♥♥♥.
I woke up this morning (well, 1:30pm) to a tiny visitor. My little cousin was here and she is so cute, even though she has a touch of cholic and is very irritable. We ate dinner and then sky rocket's in flight... ♥.
I've not long got back from the train station. I really dislike 7pm on Sundays. Five days now seem so slow.
So that was really fucking long eh? I hate reading other people's updates like this. There won't be another chronologic bore-fest for at least... 3 weeks. I promise. I've been really lame on the interweb lately. This week i'll be a good pro-active interwebber. Promise.
Hope you all wake-up tomorrow feeling as happy as I did this morning xXx
I've had a fucking ace week. It started off horribly, and has just gotten better with each passing hour. Thus here I sit with a muffin and a cup of tea feeling very happy indeed.
Monday and Tuesday were generic non-events. I picked up an extra hour of overtime on Tuesday, and i'm doing twenty more this pay period to get some extra cash and also because my manager is so incompetent that the department has fallen unacceptibly behind with the event queues. We have been called-upon to complete 12 hours minimum of overtime, or off with our heads. My inner rebel is hating me right now as I merrily go over-and-above the call of duty, however I had planned to do the overtime before it was enforced, therefore I win. Ner-ner.
Wednesday I had photography where I succesfully developed my first film and was amazed at the poor arithmetic skills of some of the people in my class. I had to be the human calculator when mixing the chemicals. I got some really nice shots on that film, and should be printing them this week. I have a project to complete for next week which is very vague. Basically pick a theme and shoot it. I've been shooting people in social situations, but i'll probably think of something different to do before class.
Thursday I had the laziest day at work because I had Friday off, so I did pretty much screw-all. Thursday evening I went down to Bristol to see my boy-buddy-supreme Kristoph, whom I hadn't seen since I think April - which is insane because I love that bearded man like a semi-incestuous brother. *Eeep. Hehe. We stood in the cold for an hour and a half while we waited for our lift. We drove into town and went to Ill Bordello to see the mighty Traumatron lazering his rays of comedy doom all over the boat, and Nic, Tsui and glittery Nadine shake their lady-bits in a room full of 'Alan's-bitches'. Translation: Drunken idiots from Western-Super-Mare who honestly thought that dressing up in Huggy-bear style get-up had never been done before. Thankfully after the first act they vanished (I think Nic set her WoWC trolls upon them) and we were left with a nicely filled maritime public-house full of appreciators. Tsui is an absolute darling. All I have to say is 'MALT SHAKE' - oh you SO know what we're doing next week in Brighton. Shake-shake-shake

Friday Kristoph and I did what we tend to do best; shop in vintage clothes, piercing, magazine and comic book outlets. We also drank coffee like the cultured little tarts we are, whilst he read and I wandering off around the top floor of the empty coffee shop taking pictures. We parted ways, I met my French friend Helene for a ginger beer before my train. You know when someone is different to you but just so on your level of thinking? 1 hour really is a short time when you're enjoying the conversation.
I twiddled my thumbs on the 18:58 Virgin Pendolino service from Bristol Temple Meads to Birmingham New Street, where I met my beautiful beautiful beautiful (did I forget beautiful?) girly and everything just fell right in to place ♥. We went home and cooked HORRIBLE food and then fell asleep (insert time gap <<< ). Saturday I woke us both up at silly o'clock as usual, we watched American Splendour over cereal and tea and then I went out on a bike ride where I got lost in torrential rain in a vest top, and then my chain came off and wedged in the gear cogs and I had to pull it out and came back looking like a mechanic. Oooh. Hot.
CrackHeidi arrived! We set up studio lights in my room and using various props (aviators, a faux-fur stole and a longboard) hopefully took some pictures good enough for his portfolio. I was also taught how to load a Hasselblad - and now I need one. Hehe. After sitting in much traffic, we finally got into town and went to the opening part of the all new Modern Body Art, the love-child of the amazing and talented Frankie and her handy-Matt. It looks incredible and i'm so proud of them both.
After that we went to the Academy, where the hammering past-times began, and the dancing errupted! Kogii did not stop dancing all night. I did my fair share, but that girl has dancing feet. We piled back to Frankie and Matt's place where we all just crashed-out and had hammered conversations about everything and anything, before leaving at sunrise for my bed. And what an amazing destination that was. The dancing continued... ♥♥♥.
I woke up this morning (well, 1:30pm) to a tiny visitor. My little cousin was here and she is so cute, even though she has a touch of cholic and is very irritable. We ate dinner and then sky rocket's in flight... ♥.
I've not long got back from the train station. I really dislike 7pm on Sundays. Five days now seem so slow.
So that was really fucking long eh? I hate reading other people's updates like this. There won't be another chronologic bore-fest for at least... 3 weeks. I promise. I've been really lame on the interweb lately. This week i'll be a good pro-active interwebber. Promise.
Hope you all wake-up tomorrow feeling as happy as I did this morning xXx
I think i am going to be in team moustache though, so you'll have to fight against me. FIGHT TO THE DEATH! I tell you.